Page 11 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
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of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,       State, to catch fish for family use, or for picnics, and
and shall be fined (as provided) from $3 to $20.           not for sale; nor shall it be unlawful for any person or
                                                           persons to place traps in the unnavigable streams of
                                     FISH LAW.             this State, provided such traps do not obstruct the free
   Sec I. No person shall erect * * * in any of            passage of fish in ascending or descending such streams;
the waters of this State, or in the front of the mouth of  nor shall it be unlawful to use a seine, net or gill net,
any stream, slough or bayou, any seine, net * * *          in any of the navigable streams of this State, provided
any fish trap or dam * * * to catch any fish.              the meshes of such seine * * * be not less than
   Provided. That the prohibitions of this section shall

                                                           SCHOOL (white).

not apply to waters wholly on the premises belonging       thr^e inches in size, and that such net * * * does
                                                           not obstruct the outlet or inlet of any lake or stream
to such person or persons using such devices.              emptying into any other lake or stream. But it shall
  Froz'tdcd further. That it may be lawful to use a        not be lawful to transport any fish outside of the State,
                                                           except catfish and buffalo.
very small seine, not to exceed in length 15 feet, for
                                                              Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of
catching very small fish  * * for bait or for stock-       this act shall on conviction be deemed guilty of a mis-
                                                           demeanor, and shall be fined in any sum not less than
ing other waters.                                          $5 nor more than S200.

Provided further, That it shall not be unlawful for

any person or persons to use a seine, not exceeding 60

feet in length in any unnavigable stream or lake in this
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