Page 14 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 14


large plant in western suburbs of town, with a weekly                               EDUCATION.
capacity of 75,000 staves of oak, cypress and heading.
                                                                                            PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
New machinery, increasing the capacity, is being con-
stantly added. They find the timber here to be the            This county, as all in the State, is fairly provided for
best of the many plants in the Southwest.                 in the way of schools, both free and paid. White and
                                                          colored pupils are, in accordance with law, taught in
  Emma Oil Mill, which ships immense quantities of        separate schools. Both white and colored free schools
                                                          have a normal department, the former at the State
cottonseed oil, meal, cake, hulls and potash.             University, Washington County; the latter in Pine Bluff
                                                          There are 35 school districts in the county, having from
   Dilley's Foundry, of which an engraving and notice     three to ten free schools each during the year. In Pine
appears on another page.                                  Bluff there are graded public schools employing 21
                                                          teachers. In the county the free schools have an aver-
   Ice factory and two large cotton compresses.

   Public steam cotton gin, with all modern improve-
ments, and a capacity of 50 bales of cotton per day.

    There are several other smaller plants-cigar, broom,  age session of four months; in Pine Bluff they are kept
carriage, wagon, etc.                                     open nine months. Provision is made in the constitu-

                                         MINERALS.        tion of the State for the support of the public schools,
                                                          requiring an annual ta.v of 20 cents upon each Siooof
   An inexhaustible quantity of marl is found on the      taxable property, in addition to a per capita or poll tax
Arkansas River in the northern part of the county,        of Si upon each adult male citizen. In addition to the
which has never been developed. The beds are on the
river bank and it could readily be transported to market  State tax each school district may by vote levy a tax not
in barges. The vein or bed of the marl runs in a south-   to exceed 50 cents upon the Si 00 for school purposes.
westerly direction and crops out on the surface in many   In 1S92 the revenue of Jefferson County for school pur-
places. The L. R.. M. R. & T. Railway crosses one         poses was $50,000. of which Si6,ooo was expended in
part of the vein. Coal and other minerals in small        the Pine Bluff district. There are 150 public school
quantities have been found here and there, but no         teachers in the county, receiving an average salary, in
special notice has been taken cf them                     Pine Bluff, of S750. in the county of S190, about the
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