Page 17 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 17
SL Joseph's Catholic. First Baptist.
Seating capacity of church
Adult membership 500 Seating capacity 600
Annual revenue for all purposes 300
Value of church property $ 1,500.00 Membership 400
12,000.00 Annual revenue, for all purposes Si, 000
(Exclusive of Annunciation Academy, value about
Value of church property
.5-/. James ^f. E. Church, Xorth.
Sio,ooo.) Seating capacity 500
Membership 200
Trinity Efiscoful.
Seating capacity of church 450 .Vnnual revenue, for all purposes Si. 500. 00
Adult membership S 1,700.00 Value of church property 3.000.00
Annual revenue, for all purposes Presbyterian Church
Value of church property Seating capacity 600
Lakeside Methodist. Membership 100
Seating capacity
Adult membership 400 Annual revenue, for all purposes Si, 000.00
Annual revenue 160
Value of church property S 1,200.00 Value of church property 2,000.00
Strangers'' Pest Baptist Church.
First Methodist Episcopal South. Seating capacity 300
Membership 150
Seating capacity of church 700 .\nnual revenue S400.00
Adult membership 350 Value of church property Soo.oo
Annual revenue, for all purposes $ 3,500.00
Taylor's Chapel, Baptist Church,
Value of church property
30,000.00 Five miles south of the city, the finest colored church
First Presbyterian. outside of city. Rev. J. C. Battle, pastor.
Seating capacity
Seating capacity of church 400 800
.\dult membership 300
Membership 220
.\nnual revenue, for all purposes S 2.500.00 Annual revenue S 900.00
Value of church property 15,000.00 Cost of construction 2.000.00
—Second Presbyterian East Second .-liv. Value of property . . ., 3,000.00
Seating capacity of church 200 Catholic Church.
Adult membership 50 —Is not yet built ground has been secured and a con-
Annual revenue $ 500. 00
gregation is being formed. At present the members
Value of property 3,000.00 worship in St. Joseph's church.
.-Jnshe Emeth Congregation.
Seating capacity of synagogue 250 —PUBLIC SCHOOLS (WHITESt. 350
Contributing members 50 7
Annual revenue, for all purposes City High School.
Value of church property $ 3,000.00 Annual enrollment 1892-3 $20,000.00
10,000 00 Teachers employed
Value of property 225
Pine Street School.
In Jetferson County there are about sixty colored Annual enrollment S8,ooc.oo
churches: Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic Teachers employed
and Christian or Campbellite. In the city of Pine Bluff Value of property 200
there are eight colored churches. 4
East Second Ai'e. School.
St. Paul Baptist Church. Annual enrollment, 1892-3 53,000.00
A brick edifice, cost about fifteen thousand dollars: Teachers employed
Value of property
Seating capacity 1,000
Membership 900
Annual revenue $ 1,800.00 —PUBLIC SCHOOLS (COLORED).
Value of property 15.000.00 Slate Normal School.
Barrague Street Baptist Church. Enrollment, 1892-3 160
Salaried teachers employed
Seating capacity 5oo Value of property 4
Membership 200 Ptdlen Street or Merrill School.
Annual revenue, for all purposes Si, 000.00
Value of property 900. 00 Annual enrollment, 1892-3 300
Teachers employed 6
St. John A. M. E. Church. Value of property
S12, 000.00
Missouri Street School.
Seating capacity 800
Membership 300 ,\nnual enrollment, 1892-3 225
Teachers employed
Annual revenue, for all purposes 81,500.00 Value of property 4
Value of church property 3,000.00