Page 19 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 19
—PRIVATE SCHOOLS (WHITE). 2.000 cars various m'dse 67.910,889 lbs.
12,000 bales cotton 5.530,432 lbs.
Aniiuiicia/ioti Academy, by Sisters of Charity of
Nazareth. Business forivarded.
Annual enrollment, 1892-3 250 200 cars lumber 5.530.432 ft.
Teachers employed 8
Value o£ property 1,612 cars various m'dse 33.435.ili2 lbs.
Sio, 000.00
24.000 bales cotton ii.777.543 lbs.
Prof. Jordan's Academy. The Pine Bluff &- Eastern Railroad
Annual enrollment, 1892-3 75 This road has at present only 30 miles of road built,
Teachers employed 2 but passes through a rich cotton region and handles a
Value of property large amount of freight, chiefly cotton and cotton-seed,
83,000.00 though merchandise and plantation supplies are also
shipped. It connects with the St. Louis Southwestern
—PRIVATE SCHOOLS (COLORED). Railway, eight miles from Pine Bluff, and has facilities
for through freight. The amount of gross earnings are
Prof. A. B. Crump's School.
Enrollment, 1892-3 50
Teachers employed 2
Richard Allen Institute (Presbyterian). about 530,000
Enrollment, 1S92-3
Teachers employed 250 uMi.-.souri Pacific R. R.— freights forivarded Past
Value of property $12,000.00 Months.
Colored Industrial Institute (Catholic). Lumber 720 cars.
Live stock 1 50
Enrollment, 1892-3 240 Mdse., grain, hay, meal, meat, flour, etc. .. . 2,450 "
Teachers (Sisters of Charity)
Value of property 4 Cotton bales per season, Sept. to Sept 40, 000 bales.
Tonnage on above:
27,600,000 lbs.
Estimated business done at Pine Bluff by the St. Live stock 3,300,000 "
Louis Southwestern Railway, during the year ending Mdse., grain, hay, meal, meat, flour, etc. 54,600.000 '
June 1st, 1893: Cotton bales 20,000,000 "
Business received.
800 cars lumber 20.369,515 ft. Total tonnage 105,500,000 lbs.