Page 24 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 24


city water works and which supply water into the sewer     capacity for a city of more than twenty thousand inhab-
pipes at regular intervals. The natural depressions in

the surface of the ground afiord easy outlets to the                THE COMPRESS,

Arkansas river.                                               There is one compress. Standard Compress Company
                                                           The building is a brick structure 240 x 360 feet, has
                 WATER WORKS.                              storage room tor about 15.000 bales of cotton and com-
                                                           presses sixty bales an hour
  Tht water works were erected and mains laid in iSSS.
The mains are 14 and 18 inches, and extend throughout        The Emma Oil Mill employs seventy-five bands and
the city. There are 1S6 fire plugs of the most approved
pattern. The first pumps proving inadequate, in Sep-       has a capacity for eighty tons of cottonseed a day. Ii
tember 1892 two new Gordon steam pumps of two mil-
lion gallons capacity each daily were completed. The       is a brick structure.

                                                              The Pine Blufi Mill and Elevator Company. The

city has now an unsurpassed water works system and         mills have a daily capacity of 650 barrels of kiln dried
fire protection. The property is owned by the Pine         bolted corn meal, besides 50,000 lbs. of chops. Corn
Bluff Water and Light Company. The water has been          is purchased at various points and orders for meal from
analyzed by Prof. Potter, of Washington University,        distant points filled.
St. Louis, and he declared it to be "most excellent."
                                                              There are four weekly and one daily paper published
   The Pine Blug Water and Light Company also own          in Pine Bluff: Fiiu- Bluff Weekly Commercial, C. G.
and operates the electric light system and gas works.      Newman, editor and proprietor; /'iiie Bluff Press-
The electric light is 1,500 incandescent and 100 arc       Eagle, Arthur Murray, editor and proprietor; Pine
light. On some streets the electric light is supplemented  Bluff Graphic, J. W. Adams, editor and proprietor;
by gas light. The electric light and gas works have        Pine Bluff Echo, J. C. Dukes, editor and proprietor;
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