Page 26 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 26


                                         FREIGHTS.           District school tax, 1892, 5 mills; constitutional limit, 5
   Freight comes by steanboat and by railroad. Pine                 mills on the dollar.
Blufi and Little Rock, owing to railway and waterway
competition, are accorded the cheapest rates of any             The actual taxes of 1892 were as follows:
cities in the State, and the rates are about the same to     Outside corporate limits, $1.60 on the Sioo.
both places, being quite low on all classes of freight.      InsiJe corporate limits. 50 cts. additional on the Sioo.

                                        POST-OFFICES.                                   COUNTY DEBT, 1892.
                                                                 Railroad bonds, $73,000.
   The county has 34 post-ofiSces. The Pine Bluff office
is second class with free delivery, having five clerks                                                  FARMS.
and four carriers. In this office in 1892, money orders         In buying farms, less than 40 acres nor more than
handled amounted to Sioo,88o; postal notes handled           160 is not recommended to new settlers, and the price had
amounted to 86,oS6; registered parcels, 818,377. Miss        better be calculated as medium, which gives a better
                                                             choice. Supposing, now, a person coming to Jefferson
Emma Clayton, a graduate of Annunciation Academy,            County decides to purchase an upland farm of 80 acres.

                              RESIDENXE OF  JOH              LUFF.

and daughter of Jno. M. Clayton, deceased, has been          40 being in cultivation and 40 in timber. The improve
postmistress under the Harrison administration.              ments of house, fence, and stabling are merely ordinary
                                                             and it lies five miles from Pine Bluff.
                                                                The 80 acres thus described would ordinarily cos
The assessment books of 1892 give Jefferson County.          $400. The payments would be $100 cash; Sioo in one,
                                                             two and three years. Less or more than 80 acres may
Personal property             52,252.350.00                  be computed from this example, bearing in mind thai
Real estate                    4,529,410.00                  the amount and quality of improvements cause corre
                                                             spending variation in value.
Total valuation               56,781,760.00
                                                                Bottom lands, other things being equal, may be con-
State tax, 1892, 5 mills; constitutional limit. 10 mills on  sidered at double these estimates.

the dollar.                                                                                   FARM LANDS.

County tax, 1892, 5 mills- constitutional limit, 5 mills        Where unimproved land which has never been culti-

       on the dollar.
City tax, 1892, 5 mills; constitutional limit, 5 mills on

the dollar.
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