Page 31 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
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EXEMPTIONS. vided the same shall not exceed in value the sum o£
$2,500, and in no event shall the homestead be reduced
"The provisions o£ the Constitution of the State in to less than 80 acres without regard to value.
the matter of exemption laws are very liberal.
" The Constitution further provides, that if the owner
" Article IX. of the Constitution provides as follows; of the homestead dies, it shall vest in the widow and
minor children."
"Sec. 2. The personal property of any resident of
this State who is married or the head of a family, in NECESSARY MEANS.
specific articles to be selected by such resident, not
exceeding in value the sum of five hundred dollars in Some capital is required unless one is content to
addition to his or her wearing apparel and that of his
or her family, shall be exempt from seizure on attach- labor under trying disadvantages. The more money,
ment, or sale on execution, or other process from any
court on debt by contract. of course, the better. Several Western States invite
"Sec. 3. The homestead of any resident of this none to come who have not Si, 000. Many large and
small expenses must of necessity be incurred before
Wethere is a return to meet them. believe that $500,
State, who is married or the head of a family, shall not judiciously expended, will prove sufficient for an ordi-
be subject to the lien of any judgment or decree of any nary-sized family to start with in Jefferson County.
court, or sale under execution or other process thereon,
except such as may be rendered for the purchase money TIME TO COME.
or for specific liens, laborers' or mechanics' liens for
improving the same, or for taxes, or against executors, —The fall of the year the months of October and
—November is thought to be the best season for coming.
administrators, guardians, receivers, attorneys for
moneys collected by them, and other trustees of an In the East and in Europe the busy season will have
express trust for money due from them in their fiduciary closed, and the idle time and expensive winter will be
capacity. approaching. Here the summer is dull and the winter
good in business.
"Sec. 4. The homestead outside of any city, town
or village, owned and occupied as a residence, shall In the fall the air is the purest of the whole year and
consist of not exceeding 160 acres of land with the im- the general health of the people the best. The country
provements thereon, to be selected by the owner, pro- roads are in their finest condition. It is also the most
suitable time to prepare for the coming crop.