Page 35 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 35
arrival having been noted, no confusion or useless ex- "Cotton-Growing Companies ' and through the usual
pense need be incurred, as transportation would be in officers of president, directors, etc., buy large tracts of
readiness to transfer them, on arrival at Pine Bluff, to land in the rich alluvial portions of the county, and
their new homes. plant, cultivate and sell as circumstances required.
Shares of stock would be placed in the market by proper
No obligation shall be required to be entered into to
retain the selected place. Each person or family agents and the stockholders made the real owners,
merely agrees to take a certain place on trial, with the Such companies would, under a natural force of circum-
privilege of going elsewhere whenever it is desirable. stances, establish on their plantations, or at Pine Bluff,
cotton factories, spinning factories and oil mills. This
To capitalists there is open a large and as yet unoccu-
pied field of enterprise. Capitalists of the Middle system is specially for capitalists with reference to bot-
States, New England, or Old England, might organize tom lands. Its advantages are: The owner may live