Page 4 - Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, Arkansas {1893}
P. 4
Pine Bluffs Jefferson County
INTRODUCTION. Immigration was constituted and county subordinate
boards were to be organized in every county of the
The rapid increase of the population of our country State. Fifty thousand dollars was voted to be raised
and the renewed good will which has arisen among a by a pro rata assessment on the several counties.
common people, north, south, east and west, have Pamphlets, maps and like means were to be employed
awakened an earnest desire that the South and South- to make known in a plain, straightforward manner the
west may now be speedily developed and invigorated by resources of Arkansas. The colored people participated
an immigration such as has given to the North and in the State convention and their interests are included
Northwest their wonderful thrift and mighty power. in this work. The design of the promoters of this
The same plan of work seems to have suggested itself movement was to make known, without any exaggera-
te the citizens of the several Southern and Southwest- tion, the true condition of the State of Arkansas as it is,
ern States, viz: organization of State central and
county subordinate bureaus of immigration. In con- and the intention of the Jefferson County Bureau was to
formity with this sentiment the Governor of the State make known in the same manner the resources of Jet-
of Arkansas at the opening of the year 1888, issued an ferson County. Men of capital and enterprise, the
invitation to all the county judges and mayors of cities farmer of means, the skilled mechanic and the thrifty
to appoint delegates for an immigration convention to laboring man, all were invited to read our simple state-
be holden in Little Rock, on January 31. 1888. The ment, correspond with us, and, if possible visit our
convention met in the hall of the House of Representa- county to see for themselves before an investment is
tives and numbored more than 400 men, the very best ventured upon or settlement made.
in the State, noted for the liberality of their views and
The present State government is inaugurating a sim-
their progressive spirit. A State Executive Board of ilar policy and our publication for 1SS8 is now revised
and enlarged, that it may truly represent Pine Blufi and
Jefferson County in 1893.