Page 123 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 123
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!home and walked all the way from Demopolis, Ala., almost everything, bat he received $300 from his
to Green County, Nimuri. I n the latter place he father's estate with which tocommence in bnsiness.
was able to pmcnre horses and traveled through Misfortune still followed him. however, and the
Pett,is, Saline, Lafayette and Cooper Counties, I end of his business experience found him $600
organizing companies for the Confederate army, debt to Memphis merchants. Capt. Bennett was
On entering the ranks again he took part in a then engaged as overaeer and remained in that
Inumber of skirmishes, and a t Caney Bayon, in ! capacity for four years, after which time he bought
Chieot County, Arkansas, his company stormed an interest in the p l m now owned by him. He
Iand captured the stockndes at the month of White ! controls 3,100 acres in cotton and corn, and owns
River. He then joined Price's raid through Mis- a splendid farm of 600 acres which has been
souri, and was at the battle of Pilot Knob when ! greatly improved, and is some of the moat fer-
Maj. Bennett of his regiment was killed. After / tile soil in Arkansas. On May 6, 1869, the Cap-
this they took the city of Sedalia, and then er-d I tain was married to Miss Nannie C. Seythe, of
the Minsonri River, taking part in all the battles Jetiemn County, by whom he had eight children.
in that part of the country until the close of the ' Those living at present are: John F., Fannie
war, wheu he surrendered at Shreveport, La. At 1 Y., Nannie B. and William M. Those deceased
the babtle of Champion's Hill he was wounded, as I are: Miles G., Bettie G.,Susie P., Clifton B.
also a t Iuka, and in several other engagements I Capt. Sennett is a member of the Royal Area
recaived wounds, which sometimes aggravate him, ' num, and in polities is a stanch Democrat. He
even at the preeeut time. After the war he turned embarked in mercantile life for several years, and,
his attention to cotton planting ou the banks of the , though fortune has buffeted him on many occa-
Mississippi, but at the end of two years he came 1 sions, no man has ever had his confidence mis-
1to his present location. On his arrival he was placed or lost a cent by the Captain's ill-luck.
almost penniless, the war having robbed him of ;