Page 124 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 124

A   HISTORY OF ARKANSAS.                              +-

   $L-L                                                     795




                                    T A T ~ E OW.. WALKERSOLOKONWINPREY.


    Prof. Julian Talbot Bailey, A. Y.,of Little more inviting field, he accepted the offer. His

Rock, was born near Barnett, Warreu County, Qa., editorial management of the Herald was marked

March 22, 1859. Hie parents were Pierce and Ade. by signal ability and success, in consequence of

line Bailey, the former a native of Warren County, which he at onoe received encomiums from the

Ga., and the latter of Henrico County, Va. From leading men and paperq both white and colored,

a very early age he evinced a great desire for learn- throughout the State. Such was the effect of his

ing, and his mother at once wisely determined to ability as a journalist upon the Arkansans that

give, if possible, her only child a complete educa. scarcely had he edited the Herald a montb before it

tion. After finishing the course of study pursued was decided by the Arkansas Herald m d Mansion

in the common schools of Warren and T a l i a f e ~ ~ oPublishing Companies to consolidate the papers.

Counties, he was sent to the Atlanta University, He was then elected editor of the joint publication,

where he pursued the college preparatory oourse, which at once was regarded as one of the leading

from which he graduated a t the age of seventeen negro journals of the country. He continued to

at the head of his class. He then attended Howard edit the Herald-Mansion until the fall of 1884,

University, supplementing his previous studies when he was elected professor of natural science

with a completa college course. Since his school and belles lettres of the Philander Smith University,

days his student life has not ceased, as his pro. of Little Rock. There being but little to gain from

ficiency and distinguished position in soientiic, negro journalism, in a pecuniary sense, he found it

mathematical and linguistia affairsamply indicate, necessary to resign his editorial chair to acccept

His modest and retiring disposition has perhape the position as professor in the University. I n the

caused him to be less known than he otherwise fall of 1885 he was elected professor of higher

might have bean, but there are few young men who mathematics and astronomy in the Mississippi

possess a more varied and solid scholarship than : State Normal College, which ponition he filled

he. Soon after leaving college Mr. Bailey went to with credit to himaelf and his people, in addition

North Carolina, where he was principal for some to editing the Little Rock Sun, an independent

time of the Roanoke Normal and Collegiate In- newspaper, which is noted for its outspoken senti-

stitilte. He also published and edited the National menta in advocacy of the race. Howard University

4l Enquirer in the same State until the spring of          has conferred the degree master of .arts upon Prof.
         1884, when he was offered the editorial chair of  Bailey. During the years 1888-87 he eucceesfully
          the Arkansas Herald. Considering Arkansas a      filled the prnsidentiil chair of Bethel Univeraity

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