Page 134 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 134

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admiration of all good citizens, is Mr. Peters, now died in 1869), Idella (born Decemher 18, 1869, aud

engeged in blacksmithing. He was born in Maury died in 1879), Clarence (born July 16,1872), Sum-

County, Tenn., in 1833, the slave of Capt. James ner (born May 6, 1874, died in 1879), Sarah (born

Peterson, and remained a servant in the family un- July 23, 1876), Degracie (born February 19,1882),

ti1 the emancipation, during which time he learned Balers (born June 14, 1884) and Whitlock (born

the trade of blacksmith, engaging in this business : February 23, 1887). Though pursuing his way

after the war, and settling in Little Rock. Mr. ' quietly and unmtentationsly, Mr. Pointer has at-

Peters was married in 1863, to Phebe Peters, a tained to u well-deserved position among the conn-
1free woman, and half white. They never had any ty's succesdul residents.
children of their own, hut have raised fourteen     Simon R. Rawls. I n this chapter, devoted to

orphan children, five of whom they have talren the rewrd of influential citizens of the colored

and educated since the war: Mitchell Jones, Fan- race, the name of Mr. Rawls should not be

nie Jones, John Morgan, Will Peter and Collie omitted, for he is a worthy resident of Jefferson

Luok, a white boy, who was left with them by his County. His father was 9. P. Rawls, active in

father, and who is now between eight and nine the ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal

years old. MIB. Petem was born in Alabama, and Church, and one of tbe organizers of the same,

was a daughter of a white man, who set her free his mother being Caroline Rawls. Simon R. was

when a child. Upon her father's death, however, born in Mississippi, March 4. 1852. I n 1870, at

she was again forced into elavory, and did not tbe age of eighteen, he began life and business for

afterward obtain her freedom until about the close  himself, and that year married Susanna Ware, of
of hostilities. Mr. Peters is a strong Republican,                     They have had a family of three

1and a highly respected citizen.                    z::~nt~usan Caroline (born February 27,1871,
  .Major P. Pointer. of Jefferson County, has be.   died January 1, 1873). Virginia (born May 12,

come thomnghly identified with the interests of 1882,) and Ben Powell (born March 17, 1888).

this seation. He came originally from Tennessee, Mr. Rawls has been a magistrate for five years,

having been born October 6, 1840. His father, and at various times has served as constable and

Warner Pointer, a native of Virginia, is now liv- school director. For nine years he has been a

/ing with him, bnt his mother, Elizabeth Pointer, member of Steward's Odd Fellows Lodge. He

also a Virginian, is dead. The subject of this and wife belong to the Baptist Church. Mr. Rawls

1sketch served in the Federal cause, in the One owns ninety-two and one-half ncres of excellent

'Hundred and Eleventh Tennessee, under Gen, land, which he is managing in a manner denoting
IDodge, during the late war, participating in the a thorough acquaintance with apicultmal affairs.

battles of Decatur and Nashville, and a t the clme His effortsdeserve good success.

of that struggle was honorably discharged. I n ' W. A. Itector, a mulatto, and prominent man

1868 Mr. Pointer went into business for himself, of Little Rock, was born in Little Rock, in 1833,

and now has 360 acrea of valuable land, besides a the slave of Chester h h l e y , being the servant of

'fine steam gin. He has ably served the people as that family until after the emancipation. Follow-

school director, and as judge of elections at differ- ing this, he located in Little Rock, where he was

ent times. He is a Repnblican, and a member of elected city collector, and afterward was elected

Corinthian Masonic Lodge. I n 1868 he married city marshal, inwhich capacity he served until the

ElHabeth Fields, daughter of William Fields. ; State went back into the hands of the Democrate.

of Virginia nativity, who was also a soldier in the ' He was then elected constable, after having been

,Union Army, under Gen. Rosecrans. Mr. and apppointed to that office to fill an unexpired term,

Mrs. Pointer have had the following family of after which he engaged in the wood buainess in
1children (three having died): Edmouia (born De- the city. Mr. Rector was married a t the age of

cember 25, 1867), Warner (born August 4, 1868, twenty, to Miss Martha A. Hiuston, who was also

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