Page 136 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 136

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1-            HISTORY O F ARKANSAS.                                  807                                 I*

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William Wilkmon), Sarah (wife of William But- to allow the company to be raised. In 1868,when

ler), Henry, Columbus, William, Thomas, Hattie he was prepared to entered college, he was refused

and Gertrude. After Mr. Sanders obtained his admittance on aaoount of his color, so he returned

freedom he farmed one year north of Little Rock to his preceptors and remained another year, at

and then came to the aity, where his active efforts the end of which time Dm. Kennard, Longfellow

have since been crowned with snceesa. He is now & Flagg tben examined him and gave him a cer-

worth considerableproperty and is the owner ot a tificate. Dr. Smith first located for practice in

fine block, on which he has built ten houses. In Pittsburgh, Penn., where he did fairly well, but

1868 he was elected alderman from the second one year later removed to Chicago, and began the

ward, in which capaoity he served two years. practice of dentistry, and at the same time took a

-Subsequently he bought a farm of 160acres, about scholarship in the Business College, which he at

six miles south of Little Rock, which he still tended at night. In this city he lost d l of his

owns, h i d e a two lots in the capital, one being effects in the fire of 1871, and then came direct to

that upon which he lives at present. Mr. Sanders I Little Rock, and from thence to the lower part of

waR in McCrsy's brigade, Glenn's regiment, the State, where he commenced teaching school in

during tbe war, and took part in the battle of order to earn money and purchase new instrn-

Helena and a few other engagements. He is an ments. In 1878 he commenced practicing his

enterprising citizen, has some money out at inter- profession in Little Rock, since which time he has

est, and is treasurer of the 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge, at had splendid success, his practice increasing every

Little Roek.  year. He owns a good two-story residence at 707

J. 11. Smith,justly considered one of the leading Broadway,fitted up in anelegant manner, but with

practicing dentists of Little Rock, and well known quiet and modest taste, and the walls are adorned

throughout the State and Pnlaski Connty as a ( with some oil paintings from the Doctor's brush,

(prominent colored citizen, was born in Camden, which are truly works of art. He is also an in-

Del., of free parents, on Dwember 4,1843. When , ventor of some note, bsving invented a pesch-

four or five years of age his parents removed to stoner, for which he was offered $10,000 cash, but

New Jersey, where they resided until his father's refused it. This machine is now mnnufactured by

death, in the meantime attending the echoola at the Clark Novelty Company, of Roeheater, N. Y.,

Penn's Grove. Soon after losing his father young who pay Dr. Smith a handsome royalty. He

Smith went to New York City, in 1858, where he also patented what is known as Smith's Patent

entered the employ of Mrs. J. Bastrop, in the Weather Board Gauge, by which a carpenter can

capacity of private secretary, at the same time at- put weather-boarding on a house much easier and

1tending school. From New York City he went to faster than in the old way. Dr. Smith has held

Phildelphia and began the study of dentistry witb some honorable positions. He was one of the
Dr. Clark, a celebrated dentist of that period and ' Garfield electors of the State; was appointed by

a friend of Mrs. Bastmp. He afterward entered ! the Government as one of the commissioners at the

the office of Drs. Longfellow & Kennard, and re- ' World's Exposition in New Orleans, in 1884. He

mained in Philadelphia for three years, fitting is the founder of the Colored State Fair, at Pine

himself for college. About that time he was ) Bluff, the stockholders of which represent more

drafted in the army, but upon learning this fact i than $500,000 in real property. He is also the

,his kina friend, Mrs. Bastrop. hired a substitute founder of several minor institutions, which have

and paid him $1,100, doing this without the knowl- j for their object the well.being of his people. Dr.

edge of Smith. Previous to this Dr. Smith was Smith was married, in 1876, to Miss Florence

/one of four young men who waited on Gov. Sey- Irine Gulliver, of Indianapolis, Ind., by whom he         t

mour, of New York, for permission to raise a com- has had three children: Charles, Girtrude and
pany of colored soldiere, hut the Governor refused Beatrice. In religions belief the Doctor and his

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