Page 32 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 32



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   Sewanee, Tenn., graduating in 1873, after which Altheimer Bros., which is now the oldest &m un-

   he studied theology, and in 1875 was ordained, in : der the name in the city. Pine Bluff, a8 well as

   1878 taking priest orders. I n 1883 he came to j the whole of Jefferson County, a t that time was

   Arkansas, and for three years was rector of St, j known only to tbe outside world as the backwoods,

   John's Church at Camden. He then came t o Piue ! but the brothers being far-sighted men, and having

   Bluff, and has since been in charge at Trinity I the fullest confidence in its future prosperity, in-

   Church. He has been called upon to act in vari- vested every dollar in real estate and plantation

   ious otiicid capaaitiea, having served as a delegate , lands. They opened up the land out of the forests,

   1to the general convention six years, trustee of the cut immense ditches to drain the water off, and

   University of the South six years, and president of convert& many swampsinto productive and bloom-

   the standing wmmittee of the diocese of Arkansas ing farms, contributing alike to their own wealth

   six years, which office h e still holds. The first and to thevalueof the snrmnnding country. They

   four years of his ministry were passed in Texas, at are also the founders of the young and growing

   Matagorda, where May 5, 1878, he was married to town of Altheimer, which the St. Louis, Arkansas

   Mias Annie Barbour, who was born in 1857, and & Tesae Railroad named in their honor. This

   the daughter of William D, and Mary E. (Williams) t,own is situated eleven miles northeast of Pine

   Barbour. Mr. Barbour served in the Mexican Bluff, located in the heart of the most fertile land

   War, edited a paper in Kentucky for several years, in Arkansas? and whenever the country tributary

   1and finally moved t o Texas, where he liver1 till his to Altheimer becomes more open and settled, its

   d e a 4 having held the officea of u o r and aol- future is uaured, as it is on the main line of the
   lector. He wari a lawyer by profession. Mrs. Cotton Belt, and is also the terminal point of

   Adams' mother died when she was born. To our the Little Kock & Eastern Railroad. The build-

   subject and wife have been born Harrj Thornton, ing of this branch road is due to the efforts of

   May Brunson, Ethel Barbonr. James Innes (de- Mwsrs. Altheimer B m . , who not only called it

   ceased), and Mary Evelyn (deceased). Mrs. Adams into life, but contributed very liberally to its con-

   is an active worker in the church, and a substan- struction. They erected a depot and donated all

   tin1 and worthy aid to her husband in his efforts. I neces%ary grounds for side tracks, and also re-

   Mr. Adams is a member of the A. F.& A. M., served ten miles of right of way free of charge to

   Ihaving taken all the degrem; is a Royal Arch 1 the company. The first house in Altheimer was

   Nason, a Knight Templar, and High Priest and built in the fall of 1885. Some years after be-

   I'Prophet of the Mystic Shrine, a member of the coming establishedinPine Bln5, Joseph Altheimer

   I. 0. 0.F., and secretary of the Iloyal Arcanum, returned to Germany on a visit, and while there
   belonging also to the Legion of Honor and the was married to Misa Matilda Jorraphat, by whom

   Knights of Honor. H e is well known, and with hehas had twoohildren,Benjamin J. (born in 1877),

   his family enjoys universal respect and ~steem. and a daughter named Hennie (born in 1880).

   Altheimer Bros. are members of one of the old- Louis also went to Germany, and while in Frank-

   est and most influential business houses in Pine fort-on-the.Main was married to Miss Inlia Suss-

   Bluff. The firm is composed of Joseph, born in holz, to which union were born Ulysses (in 1880),

   I1842, and Louis, born in 1847, a t Eherstadt, Maurice (in 1873), Fennie (in 1874), Blanohe (in

   near Darmstadt, South Germany, who were the 1876), Beno (in 1878), Isaac (in 1880') and Hor-
   sons of Benjamin and Mina Altheimer, natives of tense in 1883. Both of the brothers are among

   Ithe same country. Lonis left homeiu his boyhood the leading men in commercial ciroles, and held in

   and came to America, settling in the far West, and high esteem by the entire commonity. Mr. h u i s

   Joseph followed three years later. I n 1868 they Altheimer was nominated by the Republican party

   both left the western country, and nettled in Pine in 1886 as trea~urerof the State, but was defeated      t
   Bluff, where they founded the mercantile house of by his Democrat opponent, Mr. William Woodruff.

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