Page 35 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 35

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 4     worth, Kas. While in the Confederate army, he spectively. The father came from his native State
       took part in a number of battles, the most import- t o Arkansas when the country around Jefferson
       ant beiug a t Shiloh, Missionary Ridge. Resaoa Connty was one nnbroken f o m t and it. only in-

       and Murfreesboro, being severely wounded at the habitants savage beasts, and for several years after
       latter place by a gun shot in the right hip. Mr. locating here he was able to shoot game trom the

       IBaldwin served with distinction, both in the Con- door of his house. He was a farmer all his life,

       federate and Union armies, and has the honor of nod a prominent Msson, and became very success-

       Iknowing that though he was p i w e d into the Union ful later on when the conntxy was more thickly

       service afterward, he never fought against his for- settled, owning before the war about 800 acres

       mer comrades, his dntiw being perfornied on the - of very fertile land and thirtg-five slaves. His

       Western plains. During his term of imprisonment, possessions were almost entirely swept away dur-
       he was held at Alton, Ill., and also at Camp ing the war, and his family had t o again commence
       Douglas, in Chicago. Ill. After the war was the bitter struggle against miafortnne. His death
       over he returned to Alabama, and remained in that oocnrred in 1855,and after his decease the mother
       State nutil the fall of 1868,wben he came to Ar- was married to Dr. Shemll, a not& physician of
       kausaa and settled in Jefferson County, which he Jefferson County. The elder Barrett and his wife
       has made his home ever since. I n 1867 he was were the parents of two children, John M. and
       married to Miss Mary M. King, of CherokeeCoun- Elizabeth, the latter dying in 1856 when quite
       t ~ A: la, who was born in 1849, and died on De- young. John M. received a liberal edncation at
       cember 16, 1874. Three children were born to Jackson, Tenn., and in Jeffemn County. Upon
       this union, of whom two are still living: Charles reaching his maturity he commenced farming for
       W. (a farmer in Grant Connty, Ark.), and James himself, and for three years continued in that call-

       W. (who resides at home). The one deceased is ' ing without any apparent success, owing to his in.

          Cornelia H., who died in third year. On June experience, but at the end of that time fortune
       ' 17, 1875,he was married to Miss Nancy A. Rick- smiled upon him in a bright manner and anmess

          etts, a daughter of Stephen Ricketta, of Marshall began to attend his efforts. He now owns some
          County, Ala., where she was born in 1847. This 600 acre6 of valuable land, and Sherrill Station is
          wife died in Jefferson Coimty, Ark., in 1883,hav. situated upon part of it, he donating the right of

        Iing given birth to five children, of whom two are way. Mr. Barrett has alao embarked in general

          yet living: Joseph B. and Enoch M., both resid- merchandising at Sherrill Station, meeting with

       )ingat home. Those deceaaed are Henry, Jacob and fair success in that business. On February 18,

       Lewis. March 6, 1884,he was mamed to Mre. 1881,he was married to Miss Ada E. Qnattlebanm,

       Anna Russell, a daughter of Reuben Short, his of South Carolina, by whom he had three children,

       third wife having; been born in Mississippi in 1853. Henry R., John M. and Engene C. Mrs. Bar-

       Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin ore both members of the rett is an earnest Christian worker and s member of

       Methodist Episcopal Chnrch, South, and the for- the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr.

       mer is a trustee of Bethlehem church. . H e has Barrett is a conservative Democrat in politics and

       been a Mason for a number of years, and is one of a valuable ally to that party. His interest is deeply

       the most prominent politicians in that section, giv- centered in educational matters, and it is one of his

       ing his sopport to the Democratic party.                  greatest pleasures to give his assistance to any

           John M. Barrett, one of the most prominent            enterprise for the promotion of schools. His
       merchants in Jefferson County, located a t Sher-          efforts towards advancing the industries and agri-
       rill Station, was born on the farm where he is at         cultural interests of Jefferson County have won the
       present residing on the 12th of Jnne. 1855,and is         approval and admiration of hie fellow citizens, and

1 a son of William 0 . and Ara Saphronia (Harris) he is held in high respect by the entire community.
       B m e t t , natives of &fississiaRippi and Arkansas, re-  William J. Bayliss, one of the best known of


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