Page 86 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 86

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       JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                                               199


Mason, and a member of the Episcopal Church. ! of that State, and the daughter of Reuben and

During the war he served in the Confederate army ' Jnlia Sntton. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs.

as colonel, and in 1863 went to Texas in the qnar- I Motes resulted in the birth of twelve ohildren, six

termaster's department; continuing in service until sons and six daughters, of whom only four are now

the close of the war, when he returned to his farm. living, and all reside in Jefferson County. They

His wife was formerly Miss Adel~ideJ. Farmlly, , are named as follows: Julia (wife of Maj. B. F .

a native of Arkansas, and a danghter of Terrence Bushy), Rosie F . (wife of John Franklin), William

Farrelly, of Ireland, originally, who came to the , P. (who married Miss Maria Tidwell), and S. C.

United States early in the niueteenth century. He , The father was a prominent tiller of the soil, and

was a lawyer, and became looated in the Territory , was the owner of about 8,000 acres of land, iOO

of Louisiana, but later moved to Arkansas Post, ; of which are under cultivation. He was also a

where he became a prominent citizen. He was phyfiician of established repute. He and wife were

also a planter, and the first sheriff of Arkansas membefs of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 8.
county, well deserving his reputation a9 one of 1 C. Motes was reared to farm labor, and received

the county's leading men. He had a family of j his edncation in the schools of Memphis, Tenn.

six children, two of whom are now living: Charles He has all his life followed the occupation to which

C. and Eliea E. Longtree, of Little Rock. I n he was brought np, and is a t present the owner of
Mr. Moore's family were seven children, four of ) about 460 acres of good land in Jefferson County,

   whom are living: Sallie E. Austin (of Pendleton, I one mile from Altheimer. He belongs to the Ma-

i' Ark.), Mary M. Brooks (of Brooks, Ky.), Bannie 1 sonic fraternity, has held the office of tyler for
   G. Pendleton (of Dou~llas,Ark.), and Charles F. severalterms, and is the present incumbent. Al-

The mother died when Charles was a small boy. though not a member of any church he contributes

IShe was a member of the Methodist Episcopal I liberally to all laudable enterprises.
Church. The subject of this sketch was reared in  William P. Motea, aprominent citizen, and one

1Arkansas Connty, attending school a t St. Mary's ' of the best known planters of Jefferson County,

College, in Marion, K y . , and graduating in 1870 was born in Carroll P a r i ~ h ,La., July 21, 1857,
Iin the scientific and commercial departments He and is a sonof Samuel and Cynthia (Suttou) Motes.

is a civil engineer by profession, and so well quali- The father was a native of Tennessee, who moved

fied for the position was he that he held the office 1 to Louisiana upon reaching his maturity, and there

1of county surveyor of Arkansas County from 1880 met his wife for the first time. After their mar-

t o 1886. He is now eogaged in general merchan- riage they removed to Arkansas Co~mty,Ark.,

dise bnsiness a t Williamette, in psrtnmhip with I where the father died in 1865, at the age of fifty-

'/L. Sullivan. He is a member of the Catholic five years. The mother is still living, and resides

Church, and a young man of enterprise and worth. with her son, a t the age of seventy-three years.

   8. C. Motes, farmer, Altheimer, Ark. Mr. i The elder Motes was a noted physician, and a man
Motesmay be classed among the rising sgricultur- 1 of sound intellect, and during his residence in

ists of this county and township. Although still Arkansas County waa one of its leading oitizens.

oomparatively a young man he hse had an experi- He accumulated considerable wealth, both from

ence in tilling the soil which places him among the his large practice and from outside interests. I n

progressive young men of the community. He politics he was a Democrat, and a man whose ser-

was born in Caldwell Parish, La., on February 14, vices were valuable to that party. He and wife

1850, and is the son of Samuel P. Motes, a native were both worthy membera of the Methodist Epis-

of Westmoreland County, Penn., born May 31, copal Church, South. Hiw family continned to

1800. The elder Motea was fairly educated in residein ArkansasCounty until the year 1870,when

1 Ihis native State, and in 1830 moved to Louisiana, ' they came to JefferaonConnty. %re weretwolve
       where he married M i a Cynthia Satton, a native children born to the parents, of whom nine lived
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