Page 85 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 85


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    fmm Antwerp for America, landing a t New Orleans later to Mr. Frank D. Vallier, a native of Arkm-

    after a mugh voyage of over seventy days. He sas, whose death m ~ r r e din 1806, when forty-five

    Ithen proceeded to Oaachita, La., where he re- . years of age. He was also a Catholic in religion

    1mained until 1856, and then came to Pine Bluff, and a Democrat in politics. Some of his fore-

    /Ark. Seeing the future of this city was likely to ' fathers were in the War of 1812, and also fonght

    be a prosperous one, he remained and established in many battles against the Indians. The mother
    Ihimself in the general merchandise business, also . was born in 1817, and has residrd in Jefferson

    planting to a considerable extent. Mr. Xeyer's County since 1830, making her home with James

    accuracy in foretelling the future of Pine Bluff , C., her son, for the past few years, and isadevout,

    shows him to have been a careful observer and a I Cbristian woman, and a member of the Catholic

    ;shrewd man, and to-day he not only has one of I Church. Her first mamage resulted in the birth

    the oldest established house^ in tbat city, but owns of six children, of whom James C. is the only one

    several thousand acresof the most vduable lend in ' now living, and there were no children by her

    Jefferson County, upon which be is principally second marriage. James U. Mitchell was educated
    raising cotton. He is a prominent figure, and an , iu the schools of his native place, and reaided with

    influential man in all affairs of the city, and has his mother 11ntil the spring of 1864, when he left

    served several terms as alderman and school di- home to enlist in Capt. Frank G. Vaugine's com-

    reator, having been director ever since the creation pany of Col. Monroe's regiment. He took part

    of the school district of Pine Bluff; as a member in Price's raids, and fought i r ~almost all of the

    of the buildingcommittee, he bought the sites upon battles during that memorable campaign. After

    which all the sohool-houses are located. I n secret the war was over he returned home and turned his

    societies Mr. Meyer is a member of the Masonic , at.tention to farming. He entered into the work

    fraternity, and also of the Knights of Pythias. with a will and determination to make a success

    He was married in 1867 to Miss Bertha S. Rubel, out of it, and his efforts lhns fnr have met with

    of Mississippi, by whom he has had seven chil- flattering results. He now owns about 320 acres

    dren: Florence Ioue, Ike Rubel. May B., Corinne. of valuable land, and has placed 150 acres under

    Yoe C., Alice 9. nnd Percy B. Since coming to cultivation, and raises some of the finest crops in

    his adopted oounky Mr. Meyer has firmly em- his county. Mr. Mitchell has never yet met the

    bedded himself in the confidenceand esteem of his lady who could win his heart, and has consequently

    fellow citizens, hoth in a business and social way, remained a bachelor, but out of the many pairs of

    his legitimate and square methods of doing busi- bright eyes that surround him, cupid may yet find

    ness, and his many personal qualities. winning for a mark from which to send his shaft. He is a

    him a host of friends.                            member of the Catholic Church, and in politics a

    James C. Mitchell, one of the leading citizens ; Democrat.

    and a prominent planter of Jefferson County, was  Charles F. Moore, oneof Williamette'a snccw-

    born in that county December 25, 1846, and is a ! fnl and promising merchants, was born near Hot

    ,son of John B. and Mary (Dereuiaseanx) Mitchell, i Springe, in 1861. His grandfather was Robert I.

    of Arkansas. The father was a successful and Moore, a merchant of Nashville, who died at an

    well known planter, who died on the farm where . advanced age. His father was James H. Moore,

    his son now resides, in 1847, leaving his family in a native of Nashville, who came to Arkansas about

    a more than comfortnbla condition, RY far as wealth 1844, and settled a t Arkansas Post, where he mar-

    was concerned. He was a Democrat in politics, ' ried in 1851, remaining until his death, at the age

    and in religion a member of the Catholic Chorch. I of sixty years, in 1885. He was one of the lead-

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    The Mitchell family are of French descent. and I ing men of the country, and at the lime of his
    among the oldest settlers in the State. After the , demise h d d an official appointment in the agricui-

    father's death his widow was married some years i tural department. He was active in politics, a

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