Page 80 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Bal- U.,where he was born June 17, 1843, being a son
timore, the Johns Hopkins University in the same of Alex and Jean (Campbell) McPhail, both orig-
city, and of themale academy at West Point. He inally from Jura, Scotland, who came t o North
is now connected with the United State. Marine Carolina in 1839, and to Arkansas in 1886, their
Hospital service, andis stationed a t San Francisco, death occurring in the latter State. Evander re-
Cal. Marcellos C. was educated at the home ceived his education at the Academy in Fayette-
schools, and first commenced to study medioine ville, N. C., and in 1881 entered the Civil War
under his father and elder brother. He began under Gen. D. H.Hill, as a member of the First
when eight yearn old, and continued with them North Carolina Infantry. He was transferred to
until 1882, when he attended leetnres at the Col- Starr's battery in 1883, where he remained till the
ege of Physicians and Surgeons a t Baltimore. close of the war, having participated in the battles
After graduating from that college he was a thor- of Big Bethel, Bentonville, Qoldsborough, Ply-
ough physician and entered into active work at month, Petarsburg and Kingston. I n 1886 be
Palmyra. Ark., -here he remained a short time, came to Arkansas with his parents, opened a st&
and then moved to Greely, nenr the boundary line of general memhandise, and is still suocsssfnlly
of Lincoln and Jeffersoo Counties, practicing at ' occupied in the business at Linwood. He has 425
this place until 1886. During the years 1886-88 acres of valuable land, on which he raises prinoi-
he attendedthe McmphisHospital Medical College, pdly cottun and corn. He is a stanch Demoorat,
and after graduating from that institute, moved and has been a Mason seventeen years, and is en-
t o Corner Stone and again began to practice, bnt terprisiug both in public and private affairs. I n
the following year he changed to his present loca- 1866 Mr. McPhail married Miss Auuie Puryear,
tion. While a t Baltimore he was assistant sur- , of Virginia. I n 1884 he was again married, Miss
geon to a well known physician, and at Memphis Maria Jackson, of Jefferson County, Ark., beoom.
wns assistant at t8heCity Hospital, but virtually ing his wife. They have two children, Jean, aged
bad entire charge of the place. I n February, two and one-half years, and Marion, aged one and
1886, he entered the United States Marine Ser. one-half years.
vice and remained a short time, and npon obtain. George L. Madding is a merchant and farmer
ing an indefinite leave of absence he came back to of Madding. Jefferson County, Ark. Few names
Jefferson Connty, where be has residedever since. are better known to the business and agricultural
I n 1885 Dr. McIutosh was married to Miuu Mary world than Mr. Madding'u. He was born in Col-
/Hodgens, a daughter of William R. Hndgens, of umbia, Ten%, on Fcbmary 8, 1848, and is a son
Lincoln County, but lost his wife in January, 1889. of Raleigh and Sarah (Mayes) Madding, of Hali-
The Dortor is a member of the Missionary Bap- fax County, Va. The parents were married in
tist Church, and in secret societies a Royal Arch that State and moved to Tennessee at an early
Mason and Odd Fellow. I n politics he is a Demo- period, locating in Maury County, when the city of
crat. As a physician and surgeon Dr. McIntosh Columbia was composed of only a few houses.
/has few q n d s and no superiors in Central Ar. Both parent6 were members of the Baptist Chnrch
kansas, and his reanrd among the medical frater- and earnest Christian people. I n politics the
nity is such that his name will long live in the father waa an old line Whig, and one of the best
annals of Arkansas professional men. known politicians in that part of Tennessee during
Evander N. MoPhail has not attained to the his life. The elder Madding was of Irish origin,
position which he oooupies as a merchant and and came from his native country with his father
property owner of wealth and influence through to the United States, where they located in Vir-
any untoward circnmstnnces, but rather by reason ginia. The mother was of Scotch descent. They
-of his energy, enterprise and acute bnsinnse good were the parent6 of ten children, of whom George
management. He is a native of Fayetteville, N. L. is the youngest, and flveothers yet living. The