Page 78 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 78
.- -- - JEFFERSON COUNTY. -. .
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of Toledo, Cleburne County, Ark., by whom he in Pine Blnff, and graduated from thehigh scbools
had three children; Edward D., Floy E. and at that place in 1881. I n the same year he oom-
Harry Q. This wife died August 31, 1886, and ~nencedthe study of medicine under Drs. Owen
on May 10. 1887, he was married to Miss Mamie and Alexander, of Pine Blnff (both now deceased),
E. Stephenson, a sister of his first wife. This and after eighteen months' instruction from them
he attended lectures at the University of Lunisrille.
Imarriage gave them one child, Robert Earl. Mrs. He commenced to practice his profession at Rob
Roy and remained there two yeara, afterward re-
INcGaughy is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
IChurch, and a devout Christian woman, earnest in
1 1her endeavors to do good on every occasion. Her ' moving to Goldman, where he remained a short
husband is a Royal Arch h n , and in politica a time, and then to Corner Stone, in which place and
Democrat. in the surrounding country, he has built up a fine
1Emmett M. Mctanghy, M. D. The study of practice. I n Jnne. 1889, he was married to Miss
!'medicine is an intricate one, and the man who at- Mary Oliphaut, a daughter of L. H. Oliphant, of
tains a proficiency in that calling has cause to feel Jeff-n Conuty. Mrs. MoOan~hyis a member
Ipro~~d-indeed his pride is pardonable. Dr. Me- of the Episcopal Church. The Doctor is a promi-
Ganghy has reached an eminence in his profaqsion , nent Mason, and in politics a stanch Democrat.
which, to attempt a portrayal of his work, is found Samuel M. McGehee, one of the old resident
to be out of the biographer's 1-h. However, planters of this connty, has seen considershle of
the outlines of his life may be passed over that pioneer life, having come to Arkansas in 1857.
Isome idea of his success may be had. He was He was born in Meriwether County, Qa., Sep-
born in Pine Bluff on March 21, 1861, and is tember 1, 1828, where he was reared, having few
i a son of Dr. J. Paul and Mary 0.McGiaughy, of school advantages, and where he cast his first
Alabama and Arkansa3, respectively. The father I vote. At the age of twenty-one he commenced
was a noted physician and a graduate of the Uni- I clerking in a general &re for $8 per month and
veraity of Louisville, Ky. He first commenced ( board, at Griffin, Ga. On this small sum he sup-
Ito practice medicine in Flat Rock before the war, ported himself for two years, later engaging in
and in 1871 moved to Pine Bluff, where he also , farming in his native oonnty, and four years later
embarked in mercautile life. Later on he retired ! removed to Arkansas, locating in the vicinity of
from business and turned his attention exclusively where he now resides, and becoming one of the
to farming, in which calling he was extremely leading farmers of his section. He has upward
prosperous. His death oeourred in 1879, when 1 of 250 acres of open land devoted to the beat pur-
fifty-two years of age. The mother died in 1872, 1 poses of agricultural life. In 1861 Mr. McQehee
and was comparatively a young woman at the time I e~listedin the Confederate army, inwhat was called
of her death. She was a member of the Methodist 1 the Fogin Guards, and was made first lieuten-
Episcopal Church, South, an earnest Christian ! ant. They went to Virginia, cnmping on the Po-
woman andmuch admired fm kier charitable deeds. ( tomao, where he remained till his health gaveout,
I n politics the father was a Democrat. Seven i when he wsn transferred to the Western depart.
'children were born to their mamage, of whom six ment. He then helped organize the Trans-Miasis-
are still living: Belle (wifeof George Lindsay, con- sippi depnrtmeut, and served as quartermaster.
nected with the firm of O. Meyer & Pine ' He was at Arkansas Post, Jannary 10, 1863, but
Bluff), H.C. (with the mercantile house of R. S. i succeeded in making his escape, also taking part
Thompson, at the same point), Ernest (in commer- I in a number of skirmishes during servioe, and at
.cial life at Fort Payne, Ala.), Fannie, Marshall j the battle of Williamsburg,Va., he was shot, though
(salesman for Westbrook & CO.,at Pine Bluff),Lnla by the ball hitting his wabh and glancing off he
!(who died in her fourth year), Eddy (who died in wasnot iujornd. I n 1864he waseleoted to the State
infancy), and Emmett M. The latter was educated / legislature but did not serve. I n 1870 he was com-