Page 77 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 77
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1858 he was licensed to practice law in all the casion of his death in 1 8 m at the age of US y w ,
courts, and continued at his profession with sue- left a very good fortune. His wife died before
cess until the year 1874, when he abandoned the him, in 184'3, and he afterward married Mrs.
law and entered into the insurnnce business. He Mary Russell. By his first marriage he became
has ~wpresentedfifteen of the best companies in the father of a large family, of whom seven chil-
the United States, and transacted nearly all of the dren lived to maturity, bnt two only remain at the
ineuranae business in that section, until his failing present time: Robert D. and Emma, wife of Uriah
health forced him to give it up. Since then he , Herron, a prominent banker of Paris, Texas. Ho-
r has lived in practical retirement and ease, hoping bart D. was educated in Alabama and remained in
to close a somewhat stormy life with a calm and his birthplsce until February, 1857, when he left
beautiful old age. Mr. McCraoken has alwags home and came to the State of Arkansas, locating
been a liberal man in his views as well as in a in Jefferson (houty He immediately commenced
financial sense, when it came toward advancing farming, an occupation of which he had a praoti.
I the public welfare. He served several terns as cal knowledge, and from 1874 to 1878 was en- .
' treasurer of the city of Pine Bluff, and gave entire gaged in mmmercial life at Coltou Center, build.
satisfaction to the people in that caparity. I n ing u p a profitable trade during that time. He now
1850 he was married to Miss Virginia Harding, of owns 280 acres of very fertile land and has plaaed
Kentucky. and although he has never had any about 175 acres under cultivation. InMay, 1861,
( children of his own, he and wife have reared sev- he enlisted in Company E, Sixth Arkansas Infantry,
eral orphan children with all the tender solicitude and served until the surrender at Greensboro, N.
of true parents. I n religious faith Mr. and Mrs. C., May 2, 1865. He took part in a great many of /
McOracken are members of t h E~piscopal Church. the important battles and a number of minor en-
The former belor~gsto the Masonic fraternity, be- gagements,besides innnmerable skirmishes. Ilin-
ing a Knight Templar, and asmciated with the cipal among them were the battles of Shiloh, Mur-
Order of the Mystic Shrine. He takes an active freesboro. Missionaly Ridge,Chickamuga, through
1interest in religious and educational affairs, and the Georgia campaign, New Hope Cbnrch, Kene-
/ ,1 has attended three sessions of the general conven- saw Mountain, Resaca, Atlanta and Jonesboro. At
tion of the Episcopal Church. When Mr. Mc- the latter place he was captured and confined for
I Cracken first came to Pine Bluff in 18S2, it com. nineteen days before he was exchanged. He then ,
iprised only about SO0 inhabitants, and upon , fought at Franklin, Nashville and Bentonville,
locating in the woods (now the heart of the city) N. C . . seaiug some very hard servica and
people langhed a t him, but the wisdom of his performing his duties in a manner that often won
choice has been substantiated, and he can now ap- the praise of his superior officers. After the war
ply the old maxim that " he who laughs last was over he went to Alabama to look after his
laughs best." father's business, but after one year's stay in that
Robert D. McGaughy, one of Jefferson County's State he came back to Jefferson County, which he
leading citizens and a mall whose representation has made his home ever since. I n 1888 he was
of enterprise is of the best, was born in Lawrence elected justice of the peace of Plum Bayou Town.
Colmty, Ala., May 19, 1830, and is a son of Eli ship, an office that he filled with entire satisfaction
A. and Rebecca (Stewart) McGaughy, of Indiana
/and Alabama, respectively. Both parents ware
members of the Cnmberland Presbyterian Chnrch,
i and sincere, Christian people. I n politivs the
to everyone. On October 24, 1865, he was married
to Misa Josephine Stephenm.,al Alabama, bnt
lost his wife in Jefferson County, on May 15,1875.
She left two daughters, one of whom resides at
1 ! father was a Democrat and wieldedcousiderable in. home with her father. The other child, Ella, died t
fluence amongst the men of his party. He was a in her thirteenth year. January 12, 1876, Mr.
prosperous farmer during his life, and on the oc. McGaughy was married to Miss Ida J. Cherry,