Page 79 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 79
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missioned postmaster at Double Wells (which is at Marcellua C. McIntosh, M. D., is another
his home), named from two wells on hie place. bright light in the medioal profession of Arkansas,
He has since held the office, with the exception of located a t Sherrill, Jeffereon County. He was
one year when he resigned. He has been very ! born at Palmetto, Ga,on November 5, 1859, and
suocessful, and now owns4,OOO acres of goodland. is a son of Mawellus E. and Barbara J. (&Bride)
Mr. MoGehee's fir& wife waa Miss Mary Black- McIntosh. The father was also a physician of
well (sister of Thomas P. Blaokwell), who was born note, and a graduate of the Medical College of
in 1829, and died in 1866, a meniber of the Metho- Augusta, Ga., in 1845, and practiced hia profea-
dint Episcopal Church. They had a family of six siou in that State and Alabama He waa one of
children, two of whom are now living: Dr. Mar- the most intellectual and scholarly men in his native
shall M. (living and practicing in Georgia), and State, and attained a high eminence among the
Sarah E. (wife of A. B. Craig of this county).
September 11, 1866, Mr. McGehee was married to
his present wife, formerly Miss E l i u J . Griffin. such work that had the United States such
She waa born in Fayette County, Tenn., in tbe year
1832, and was the daughter of Lucy and Perry-
man Griffin, of Kentucky, the former of whom Jesse McIntosh, of Ycotlend,
died in 1873; the mother is still living at tbe age who emigrated to America and settled in Morgan
.of eighty-eight, but for ten yeara has been de- Uounty, Ma., where he also practiced medicine,
prived of her eye-sight, the sfaiction resulting and gave part of his attention to a plantation.
from meaales. Mra. Perryman is one of three / This McIntosh was one of the largest and wealth-
Iliving out of a family df eight children. She has iest planters in Georgia at that time, and well
/benn a resident of this county since 1859, having known throughout the Southern conntry. The
Icome here with her parents. One son, Franklin McBride family are old and well known residents
O., is the result of this union; he was born Decem. of Georgia, and are noted for their merchant
ber 2,,1868, graduated from the Central Collegi- / princes as well as the McIntosh faluily are known
ate Institute, a t Altns, Ark., and is now teaohing I for their famons physicians and mrgeons, the firm
his fourth term of school. Mr. McGehee and his of McBride & Do. being one of the largest in At.
wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal lanta. The parents of Marcellna C. were both
Church, South, of which he ia stewad, and he has members of the Baptist Church, and took great in-
been a lay member of every conference at Little terest in religious and educational a5airs. The
Rock for the last twenty years. He is a Demo- father had been a prominent Maeon, and had taken
mat, taking mme interest in county and State nearly all the higher degrees, besidesbelonging to
elections, and has held the office of justice of the ' several temperance societies. I n politics he was a
peme for some years, and it is recorded that soon Democrat and a valuable man for his party, aa his
after taking that offloe he married a couple on influence in that section was considerable. Seven
horseback. His father, a farmer and local Metho- children were born to their marriage, of whom five
dist minister, was a native of Georgia, and mar- grew t o maturity and four are yet living: Mary
ried Sarah Martin, of the same State. He was a L. (wife of John M. Adams, a prominent planter
leading worker in the church, was in one of the of Chambera County, Ala.), Dora E. (deceased,
Indian wars of Alabama, and held a commicraion as who was the wife of McCnin Robinson, of Lee
'major in the Georgia State militia. He was horn County, Ala.), Marcdlus (who is at present in
/in 1805, and died in 1876. His wife was born in San Francisco with a brother), Mareellus C. and
1804. and died in 1888; she was an aotivemember William P. The latter was the third child born to
-of theMethodistEpiscopal Church,alovely woman, the parents. Like hie forefathers he inclined
charitable, kind and generous to a fault. toward the medical profession, and was a graduate