Page 74 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 74

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*I JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                                  'r187

3, 1877, he was married t o Miss Cornelia East, a Mr.Lindsay was married to W i s Pahala Mwre,

daughter of A. H. East, of Jefferson Connty, but of Rutherford County, Tenn., who died in Jeffer-

Iwas parted from his wife in 1888, who died, leav-     son County, Ark., in the year 1867. By his first
                                                       marrlage he became the father of six children, of
ing four children: Edward H., Charles N., Lydia        whom two are yet living: Sam and Wilbur F.
J. and R. I. They also lost one child, who died        (the latter a farmer in Arkansas Connty), and by
in infancy. On F e b m a q 10, 1887, he was mar-       his last marriage he had two children, of whom one
ried to Mrs. Callie V. Harrel, an amiable and
charming widow lady, and a daughter of James only is living: Edward, a farmer in Jefferson Coun-

H. Griffin, of Fayette County, Tenn. This lady's ty. Sam Lindsay was educated in Pine Bluff and
former husband was Mr. Jacob Harrel, a prom- had hardly finished his school days when he en-

inent citizen of Jefferson County. Both Mr. and listed in the Confederate army. He joined Com-

Mrs. Lemon are members of the Methodist Epis- pany H of the Ninth Arkansas Infantry as a pri-

copd Uhurch, South, andearnest Christian people. , vate soldier, but shortly after hia efficiency was

iMr. Lemon is a Mason, and in politics a Democrat. recognized and he was promoted to first lieu-

'His popularity and prosperity could not have fallen tenant. One year later he was appointed captain

on a manmore worthy, and the high estimation the of CompanyF in the same regiment, and six months

community place upon his citizenship has been afterward was transferred and given command of

well earned.                                      ! Company K. He took part in a great many bat-

Capt. Sam Lindsay is very familiar to the citi- i tles, some of the most imporhot being a t Shiloh,

zens of Jefferson County. The name represents Vioksburg, Baker's Creek, Port Hudson, Jackson,

a planter and merchant of Pastoria, whose enter- Daltou and Atlanta. At the battle of Shiloh he

prim is almost proverbial in thesurronnding conn- was wounded in the left leg, and during the Geor-

try. He was born in Pine Blnff, Ark., in 1840, : gia campaign he received a minie ball in his right

and is a son of William H. and Catharine (Coch-        arm which caused him to lose that member. He
ran) Lindsay, of Virginia and Kentucky, respect-       was paroled at Macon, Oa., in June, 1865, and
                                                       returned to Jefferson County, where heagaincom-
iively. In his youth the father had been appren-       menced farming. In connection with his farm
                                                       Capt. Lindsay also embarked in mercantile life at
Iticed to a tanner, and upon leaving hia native State
:in 1886, and arriving at Pine Bluff, Ark., he es-

tablished a business of that nature. Soon after- Pastoria, where he has established an enviable repn.

ward, however, he gave it up and turned hia atten- tation. He has been postmaster of that town for the

tion entirely to farming, and in this business be- past five years, and for eight years previous he
came one of the most snccessfnl and substantial : held the office of justice of the peace for Pastoria

men in Pine Bluff. He lost a large part of hi? ' Township The Captain was married on April 16,

fortune by investing in slaves up to aslate as 1861, 1867, to Miss Sdlie Bayliss, a daughter of Thomas

Iand after the war was over his wealth had dwin- and Elizabeth Bayliea, by whom he has had three

dled t o a considerable extent. He was in sym- children, Anna, Samnella and Antonette, who sre

pathy with the Southern States, but never entered living, aod two who have died since: Florence and

'the army during the strife, although he rendered ; Bizzley. Capt. Lindsay and his wife aremembers

them valuable service on various oeeasions by of the Methodist Episcopal Chumh, South, in

'scouting, in whiah capacity he was an adept. I n which the former has held several responsible po-

politics Mr. Lindsay was a Democrat, He was the sitions. He is a Demoorat in pulitios, and as a
second judge Jefferson Connty ever had, and cltlzen he is one of the most popular and enter-

1 ':served as justice of the peace for eight years. His I prlsing in the aounty. He is never backward in

Ibirth occurred in 1812, and he died in 1869, while aiding any worthy enterprise, but in fact is always
Itaking a trip to Memphis, Tenn., his wife dying one of the leaders.
in 1882. Some years after the death of his wife.       N. C. Lowry, retired, Pine Bluff, Ark. Mr.

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