Page 70 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 70
Bluff. I n October, 1839. he went to Swan Lake, born twelve children-four sons and eight daugli-
Arkansas Uounty, locat,inp on a tract of land cov- ters-only two now living: Mrs. Susan Ferguson
ered with heavy timber and cane, and on the spot (a resident of Gonzales County, Texas), and W.
where his home now stands he killed his first deer, D. Johnson (of Pine Blnff). The latter wse but
despatching also a bearnear by. There were only five years of age when he accompanied his parents
'two settlers near him a t that time. Mr. Johnson to Mississppi, and in that State he received the
1has since devoted himself to clearing his land and principal part of his ednoation. being also early
working at his trade, besides pntting n p gins for I taught the duties on the farm. He was married in
miles around. I n 1848 he built his present resi- 1847 to Miss Elizabeth Womack, in Yalobusha I
deuce, and the same year married Harrisynthe County, Miss., and by her became the father of
!Racine, daughter of Athonu Racine, who mamied aix children. four now diva: W l i e (wifeof William
,and raised his family in Arkansas. Mrs. Johnson E. Sallee), Dora (wife of L. T. Sallee), John N.
was born at the Post of Arkansas, and died in and Robert L. Johnson. After marriage Mr. John-
1885 at the age of sixty-eight. They had two I son was engaged in merehandisiog for four yeam,
daughters: Mary (the wife of 0. M. Spellman, re- I when he was made deputy sheriff of Yalobusha
cently appointed by President Hamson, United ! County, Miss., and filled this position to the satis-
States msrehal of this district), and Fannie, who is faction of all. I n 1856 he moved to Pine Bluff,
at home. When in New York Mr. Johnson joined I Ark., where he followed the livery business, and
the Odd Fellows, and was a Mason several years was also occnpied in the liquor business a short
ago. He has taken so1110 part in politics; was an time, after which he kept books about one year.
old line Whig, and during the war was in sympathy I He was then depnty clerk for three years, and in
with the Union cause. Though a sntIerer from 1880 was appointed notary public, the first one to
paralysis, he is engaged in planting and general represent the county in that capacity. The same
merchandising. and by virtue of hislong residence , year lie was elected mayor of the city, but still
Ihere as well as his true worth, enjoys a wide and held his position of depnty clerk, and was in full
favorable aoqnaintance. charge of this office when the Federals took pos-
W. D. Johnson, ex-judge and agent, : session of the place in 1883. Judge Johnson
Pine Bluff. Ark., and a representative citizm, is n studied law both before and after the war, admit-
Inative of Fayette County, Ala., where he was born ted to the bar in August, 1865, and has continued
Jannary 12, IH28. He is a son of Col. Greef his praotice evnr since, being for some time in the
and Mary (Bellnms) Johnson, the father a native oeiee of Gen. Yell, the noted criminal lawyer, and
of South Carolina and the mother of Tennesseu. / afterward a partner of Col. W. P. Grace for seven
I IThey were married near Knoxville, and a short years. Aside from hie law practice, Judge John-
time afierward, in 1807, crossed into Alabama. son is engaged extensively in the real estate hnsi-
locating in Madison County, and being among the I ness, and in 1867 and 1868 was prosecuting attor-
pioneers of that region. Col. Qreef Johnson fol- ney for the city, andapart of the time for the dis.
lowed the ocoupation of a farmer in several uoun- trict. He was disfranchised by the reconstruction
ties of Alabama, and in December, 1859, made his acts of 1868, and enfranchised again in 1872 by
way to Pine Blnff, Ark., where both he and his special act of Congress. I n 1858 he was eleated
wife passed their l a 4 days. He was a captain county and probate judge, and re-electedin 1880
in the War of 1812, under Gen. Jackson, and was and 1882. At present he is handling a vast amount
afterward colonel of the militia in Alabama. He I of real estate, and is doing the largest business in
was a powerfully built man and considered a very this line of any real estate firm in the city. He
handsome one. He held the office of county judge also owns considerable town property. He lost
1in Mississippi, and also many other officesof pub. ' his wife in January, 1865, and was again married
lic trust during his life. To his marriage were at Pine Bluff, Ark., in November, 1865, to Miss
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