Page 66 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 66

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                   --.                           JEFFERSON COUNTY.                         I79

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   tion in De Soto Connty, Midiss., and a t P i e Bluff, near Bradfordville, continuing in business nntil

   Ark., learning the higher branches at the latter 1800. I n 1857 he commenced the stndy of medi-

   place under Prof. Jordan. Upon reaching his cine, and in 1869-60 at,tended the Medical Uni-

   twentieth year, the management of his father's versity of Kentucky at Louisville, where he gradu-

   plantation was entrusted to him, and sinoe then ated in March of the latter year. Dr. Hubbard

   he has given it his entire attention. Under his then located at Williamstown, Mo., for one year,

   judicious management it has been greatly im. and then moved to Canton in the same State, where

   proved; new houses erected and a cotton gin built, he remained until 1866. That year he came to

   and be has displayed by more ways than one that Arkansas Post, Arkansas Connty, Ark., and prao.

   be is the right man in the right place. I n polities ticed in that vicinity for two years, when he then

   he is a Democrat and active in his support of that moved to his present location, where he has built

   party. He is regarded with favor by every bas- up a large practice and hecome one of the most

   iness man in the wmmnnity who have rewgnized prominent citizens in that section. When first

   his enterprising spirit, and his popularity is as starting in life, the Doctor had bnt very little

   ffattering as it is genuine.                                  worldly wealth, comparatively speaking, but his

                   B. C. Hnbbard, M. D., is a citizen of whom energy, skill and determination soon placed him on

   Jefferson County can feel proud, and an honor to a plane where he could look a t the world strng-

   the medical profession. He was born in Camp- gling beneath him. I n the year 1854 he wae mar.

   bellville, Green County, Ky., and is s son of ried in Lewis Connty to Miss Nancy C. Lillard, a

   James M. and Sophia (Gaddie) Hubbard, natives daughter of James M. Lillard, prominent in busi.

   of the same county and State. The father was ness circles at that place. This marriage gave

   born in 1806 and the mother in 1804, and were them one child: Pattie M. (wife of Judge Alfred

   both members of the Baptist Chnrch for a great Witey, of Linwln County, Ky.), bnt this daugh-

   many years. The elder Hubbard was a tanner by ter died in 1884. For a short time during the

   trade. and also engaged in farming, conducting Civil War Dr. Hubbard had charge of the Char-

   both occupations with such jndicionsness that he ity Post Hospital, and conducted that iostitn-

   became very snccessfnl. In politics he was a tion with g r e ~ctredit to himself. I n 1868 he was

   Whig, and well known in political circles through- elected couuty and probate judge of Arkansas

   out his native State. He died in Campbellville in Colmty, serving until 1872. I n politics he is a

   the year 1876, and (he mother in 1858. Five chil- stanch Republican, and a valuable man whenever

   dren were born to their marriage, of whom B. C. he works for the interests of that party. Dr.

   Hubbard was the oldest, and with two others, are Hnbhard is a Mason of high standing, and in re-

   the only onee now living: George G. (a prominent ligious faith belongs to the Missionary Baptist

   physician at Mnnfordville, Ky.), and John P. (a Church. His skill in the medical profession, his

   farmer near the same town). Those deceased are many prsonal qualities, and being a thomnah

   IDaniel and Margaret. B. C. Hubbard was edu- i gentleman, have made himoneof the mopte popular

   cated at the public and high schools of his native men in his cor~nty.
                                                                 John A. Hudgens, one of the best known citi.
   place, and on leaving school entered his father's

   establishment for the purpose of learning the tan- zens of JeffersonCnnuty, and asnbstantial planter,

   ner's trade. He followed this calling until 1853, was born in Pine Bluff, in 1843. He is a son of

   and then went to Lewis Connty, Mo., locating Ambrose and Eliea (Irwin) Hudgens, of Texas and

   near Monticello, where he remained one year. At Tennessee, respectively. The father was born in

   the expiration of that time he returned to Camp- Texas, in the year 1814, and moved with his

   bellrille, Ky.. and entered into the tanning bnsi- parenta to Arkansas in 1826, locating in Jefferson

   ness for s short

   -afterward moved
                   time on his own account. He          I        Oonnty, where he resided  until 1860, when he
                   to Marion County, and located                 moved to Lincoln County.  He was a farmer and


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