Page 65 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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Lonoke County, A r t , hut soon after removed from County, Ark., and located on the farm upon which
there to Jefferson County, and immediately estab- Robert now resides. The father was naturally
lished himself in bosiness. I n 1873 he gave up j born to the profession he chose in after life, as he
his business and turned his attention to farm- : always exhibited a preference for tbestudy of med-
ing exolusively and has met with satisfactory suc. icine even in his boyhood. At the proper age he
cess, he and his family owning some very fine attended lectures, having graduated in the literary
property. I n 1842 he was married to Miss Liz- department of the University of Mississippi (Ox-
zie Feris, a daughter of Dr. Moses Feris, of ' ford) in 1854, and subsequently in the medical de-
Pettis County, Mo., but loat his wife several partment of the University of Pennsylvania in
mouths after. I n the year 1847 he was united 1857, and after graduating be commenced to
to Miss Virginia Brown, of Albemarle Connty, . practice in his native State. On his arrival in
!Va., this lady dying in 1883 in Jefferson Connty, Arkansaa he entered actively into his profession,
A This marriage h u made him the father of and attained a celebrity that extended not only
seven children, of whom fonr are yet living: Nan- through Arkansas but in some of the surrounding
cy (wife of Louis Simpson, a merchant of Quanab, States. He rose to an eminence that was as envi-
/Texas), Lucy (wife of Dr. P. P. Trueheart, of able as it was deserved, an3 his brilliant reoord in
Sterling, Kan.), Virginia (wife of Nr. Charles the medical archives of Arkansas are emulated by
IBickett, a well-kuown fnrmer and stock dealer in many. Dr. Holmes was also engaged in farming,
California and Kansas), and Willie K. (who lives and at the time of his death, which occurred Decem-
(at home). Those deceased are Fannie S., Mary ber 3, 1886, of swamp fever, heowned about 1,000
iBrown, and Nicholas. I n 1885 Capt. Hocker was acres of valuable land. He was a good business
married to MissIrene Feris, of Richmond, Texas, man, a favorite in society and popular with all
who has proved to be an excellent wife. The ( claases, and on his death the connty lost one of its
Captain is a member of the Christian Chnrah, and most valuable citizens. He was a Mason (by which
is always ready togive his assistanceto any worthy body he was buried in Bellwood Cemetery, Pine
Ienterprise connected with religion or education. Bluff), and in politics was a Democrat. The Dwtor
He is a Democrat in politics, and in secret societies and wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal
is a Mason. At one time he was one of the most I Churoh, South, and both gave substantial aid to
Iextnnsive stock dealers in Kentucky, and imported many worthy enterprisesconnectedwithchnrch and
fine cattle by the hundred, hut of late years he educational affairs. They were the parents of nine
has not given his attention to that branch of bnsi- children, of whom five are yet living: Robert R.,
ness to any great extent. He has shown what cao . Lula (whomarried February 20.1884, John A. Hud-
1be accomplished by e steadfastness of purpose, an son, a prosperous farmer of Jefferson County), Ad-
/unceasing energy and the patience to keep steadily die, Ballie and Ida Lee. Those deceased are Mary
ion in spite of the obstacles and embarrassments to and Finley (infants), and 0. Renty, aged eight-
be met with in life's struggles. Vineit pui pafitur. een years, who died October 4, 1880, a promising
Robert R. Holmes, one of the most promising ! son. He was truly a young man of model worth,
of Jefferson County's younger citizens, was born I temperate in all his habits, unselfish, morally in-
in De Soto County, Miss., Dmmber 13, 1859, ! clined, full of tenderest affection and a fond and
and is a son of Dr. L. and Sarah (Herron) Holmes, obedient child, in short endowed with so many ex-
of the same county and State (the latter a dangh- I cellencies of mind, manners and heart that he was
iter of Hamilton Herron, a prosperona farmer of loved and respected by all who knew him. Katie,
IShelby Connty, Tenn.). The parents were mar- nine y e w old. died September 22. 1887; she was
ried in the State of their nativity, on Deaemher 9, i the youngeat child and the pet and joy of the
1857, and made De Soto County their home until I honsehold, death claiming her just nine months
Ithe year 1860, when they moved to Jefferson after her father. Robert R. received his educa-
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