Page 60 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 60

A   JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                 ...                                                            A

1 A-                                                        -.....                                           up



clutches of the enemy, but his good fortune at- ter of John and Mary A. Taylor. To the union of

tended him all through and he yet lives to tell the Mr. andMrs. Greenfield was born one child, Willie,

tale. I n 1875-76 he was appointed collector and who died February 14, 1887.

filled that office, together with the positi~nof        *'Onlya little child; pause. not here to weep;
sheriff, to the satisfaction of all partins concerned.   Bcareely on earrh it smiled, ere it fell asleep."

Farming has been his basiness ever since the war,       Mr. Gmenlield has abont 1,200 acres of good

and he now owns 700 acres of good land with the land, with 375 acres under cnltivation. He and

principal part of it under c~~ltivational,l of which wife are membera of the Methodist Church.

he has made since that event, the war having left       William H. Hardister, who is classed among

him practically bankrupt. I n December Capt. the well known and highly respeoted planters of

Greenfield was married to Miss Mary C. Embree, , this oounty, was born in North Carolina in 1846,

a daughter of Israel Embree, an old settler of being the son of Asbury and Cyntha Ann (Cram-

Jefferson County. Mrs. Greenfield was born June ford) Hardister, natives of North Carolina. The;

29, 1844, and by her mwriage became the mother former's ancestors were formerly from Maryland,

of six children: Lncy M., Gordon E., John T., and came to the Carolinas with the early settlers.

Maggie F., Mary W.and Canie. The Captain is : The father was the yonngest of his family, and a

a Knight Templar and Knight of Pythias, besides farmer by occupation, his death occurring in the

belonging to several other fraternities. In politics sixty-sixth year of his age. The mother died in

he is a Democrat and a leader in political affairs as I 1R06, at the age of fifty. To them were born

,well as social and business matters. His son Gor. , ten children, of whom all but one lived to be grown,

don is also prominent in Knight of Pythias circles. but only foul. now survive. William H., the

      W. B. Greenfield, hrmer, H n e Bluff, Ark. seventh son, was reared in North Carolina until

I t is donbtless owing entirely to the indas- i the age of twenty-three, when he came to Arkan-

trious and persevering manner with which Mr. ! sas and located at Garrison Landing, there engag-            I

Greentield has adhered to the pnrsnit of agriculture ing in farming. He afterward went to Mud Lake,         b,

that he has risen to such a substantial position in I and in 1876 came to his present looation, on what

farm affairs in this county. His birth occurred is known as Elm Grove farm, since which time he

in Jefferson County, Ark.. on February 11, 1849, 1 has put the place in a good state of caltivat,ion,

and he is the son of J. W. and Matilda (Bogy) working 200 acres. At the beginning of the late

Greenfield. The elder Greenfield was born in war he enlisted in the Sixth North Carolina Cav-

ITennessee, in 1821, was educated in that State, alry and served until the cloae, receiving not the

and then went to Kentucky, but later to Arkansas, slightest wonnd. I n 1875 Mr. Hardistar married

where in 1845 he married ItIissBogy, the danghter Miss Nettie Cramford, a daughter of 0 . P. Cram-

of Mr. E. Bogy, an old French settler. To Mr. ford, of South Carolina. who came to Arkansas

and Mrs. Greenfield were born eighteen children, long before the war and settled in this county,

six sons and twelve daughters; three sons and four I Mrs. Hardister being then a child. This union

daughters now living, two in this State and five in has been blessed with two children: Cynthe A, and

Texas. The father is still living, and in connec- Walter M. Mr. Hardister politically is a Democrat.

tion with farming is also engaged in merchandising He has on his place a large cotton gin and supply

in Texas. He is the owner of a large tract of land store, and is recognizd as a man who has given

and is quite well-to-do. He was justice of the ; decided influence to the progress and development

peaae for two years, and is now notary public. of this section. As a citizen he is held in great

W. B. Greenfield was educated at the Chridian esteem.

Brothers' College, at St. Louis, and after returning    001. George Haycook, capitalist, one of the

home married Miss Bettie T. Phillips, October 27, best known men in Central Arkansas, whose genius

1888. She was born in Arkansas, andis the daugh. of enterprise has made him one of thn bulwarks of


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