Page 55 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 55
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is more than ready to do all he can for the ad- / wives are members of the Catholic Church, and
/vancement and permanent prosperity of his long- i liberal contributors to religions and educational
time home, the State of his selection and the coun- matters. They rank among the lending citizens of
try of his adoption. He is an active member of the ! the county, and are highly respected in their corn-
Masonic fraternity and of the order of Knights of mnnity.
Pythins. Belljamin L. Gocio, oueof the large landowners
James F. and Emnnuel L. George, are two of this county, is a native Arkansan, having been
brothers whose names are prominent in the enter- born in Villemont Townshipin 1854. He is a son of
prises of Jefferson County. They were horn in , Joseph and Elizabeth (Johnson) Gocio, originally
,Uoosa County, Ala., on April 30, 1860, and March from Arkansas and Georgia, respectively. I n the
15, 1852, respectively, and are the sons of Silas I family were nine children, three of whom are
and Nancy (Fergnson) George, the father a native I living: John (near Hot Springs), Lucy Humph-
of Georgia and the mother from Alabama. The ' reys (in Washington &unt,y, Ark.), and the sub-
parents were married in tholntter State and moved ) ject of this sketch, the latter of whom has always
to Jefferson County when both boys were children. resided in this township. At the age of fifteen
The elder George was horn on August 27, 1822, years he commenced farming for himsol€, and in
and the mother on November 8, 1827. The latter ' 1876 was married to Mias Jane Mitchell, of Ar-
died in 1864, and some time after her death the kansas Countmyw, hose birth occurred a t the Post.
father married Miss Elizabeth Dugan. who has ' Her father, Frauk Mitchell. of this State, died
since died. Both Bfr. and Mrs. George were earn- when his daughter was five yearsof age. Mr. and
est Christian people and were members of the Mrs. Gocio have had six children: Anna, Ida,
Methodist Episcopal Church, Sooth, in whioh / Ollie, Joseph. Lucy (deceased), and Agnes. Mr.
church he was an official. I n politics he was a I Gocio has about 250 acres of land under cultiva.
Democrat, but never mixed much in political' tion, and is the owner of upward of 1,800 acres.
affairs, although in other enterprises, both public ' He is a member of the Catholic Church. His
and private, he was a prominent figure. Seven grandparents came to the United States from
Iohildren blessed his first marriage, of whom Eman- . France in an early day, locating at New Orleans,
uel was the third and Jamos the fourth child born. and later at Arkansas Post, where Joseph was
Both sons received their education in Jefferson born, andwhere he lived, afarmer, until his death,
Connty andremained at home until their father's ; which occnrred when Benjanin L. was fonlhen
Ideath in 1875, when they rented land and com. months old, in 1856. He was born in 1803. The
menoed in life for themselves. I n 1881 they bought 1 mother was married (the second time) to Mr. R. R.
'lG0 acres of land on their present location, and by Dollerhide, who died in 18'70; she was born in
good management and strict attnntion to bnsiness 1818, and is still living at Booneville, Miss. Mr.
have increased it to 320acres, the land being some Uocio, by a lifetime spentin thislocality, has fully
of the most productive in Central Arkansas. demonstrated his worth and energy as an intelli-
James has also engaged in saw milling t o some ex- gent snccessfnl farmer. His extensive acquaint-
tent and has made the ventnre quite successful. ! ance is only equaled by the universal respect
I n 1886 he was man<& to Miss Dora Diamond, of I accorded him.
IJefferson Oount,y, by whom he had one child,
Dr. J. L. Goree, justly considered one of
Edward Felix. After the death of his first wife ' the most eminent of the medical profession in
he was ~initedto Miss Omar Dalton, who became Jefferson County, was born in Smith County,
the mother of one child, Frances L. The other Tenn., on the 8th of October, 1853, and is a son
brother, Emanuel, was married in 1881 to Miss of Dr. James L. and Mary E. (Dixon) Goree, of
Katy Diamond, by whom he had five children, all , Marion, Ala., and Smith County, Tenn., respect-
of them now deceased. Both brothers and their : ively. The father was a prominent physician dur-
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