Page 52 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 52
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1822, and remained at home with his parents till of honorable mention, or whose history affords rr
he became of age. His first venture on leaving better illustration of what may be accomplished by
home was to teach school, and in 1847 he came to a determined will and perseverance, than Mr.
this county, locating six miles below the present Geiareiter. He was born in Bavaria, Germany,
homestead, removing in 1859 to the place where May 80, 1840, being the son of Jacob and
his widow now resides; this was then unimproved, Mary E. (Van Smack) Geisreiter, natives of the
but by his good management and care, was put in same country. Capt. Geisreiter was left mother-
a fine state of cultivation. At that time there were / less when quite small, and his father was married
700 acres, a part of which has since gone into the i the second time, after which, or in 1854, they emi-
river. Mr. Ferg~isbecame one of the leading grated to America, taking passage at Bremen and
planters of the county, quiet and unassuming inhis arriving in New York after a forty days' ocean
manner of living, and although not a church mem. voyage. They remained there until 1858, and the
ber, was a believer in the Christian religion. His father carried on his trade, that of architect,
Ipeople were Methodists. He died May 23, 1884. builder and cabinet maker, having. while in the
Mr. Fergus' marriage was to Mrs. Mildred A. Mor- old country, also conducted a large furniture man-
rell, widow of M. P. Morrell. Mr. Morrell waa ufactory. In 1858he moved to Washington, Iowa,
born at NatOhez, Miaa., in 1820, and died in 1857. ( where he died one year later. Capt. S. Geisreiter
He came to Arkawas in 1852, and located in Jef- I was educated in Germany, and learned the cabinet
ferson County, on the south side of the Arkansas maker's trade, but soon found other pursuits more
Liver, six miles below Pine Blu5, where as a planter congenial to his taste and ability. After going to
he became well-to-do, leaving at the time of his Washington, Iowa, he entered college, attending
Ideath about 1,200 acres of land. Mrs. Fergus two terms; but meantime the war broke out; his
was born in Clark County, Ky., the daughter of patriot brother had enlisted from Minnesota and
Lonis and Elizabeth Boone (Brooks) Bledsoe, of was killed at the battle of Ctettysbnrg. Capt. S.
Virginia. Her greet-grandmother was a near rela- Geisreiter promptly took his brother's place and
tive of Daniel Boone. Mrs. Fergus' parents fimt served until the close of the war. He ranked a8
settled in Chicot County, where the father died in first lieutenant, but by reason of the many duties
1844, and in the same year the family went to he was called upon to perform, was given the title
/Pulaski, near Little Rock. The mother died in , of captain. After cessation of hostilities he lo-
1874, in Kentucky. Four ot this family of ten cated a t Pine Blu5(the army having brought him
children are living: Calvin, Elizabeth B. Warner, there on detached senice), and was engaged in the
Louisa A. Collins and Mrs. Fergus. Two children ; real &ate and insurance business, which he car-
&. iof Fergus by her first mamiage siuvive: Dr. ried on for nine years. He then began planting,
M. P. Morrell, of St. Louis, and Alexander &I., has since carried it on, and is now the owner of
a t home. Three children by the second mar- much choice laud, while he also manages the plant-
riage are living: William F . , and Mildred B. (wife ations of his, Mr. Joseph Merrill.
of W. J. Levy, both of this county), and Minerva , The Captain is one of the most enterprising and
E. (at home). Mrs. Fergus has been a member of socawsful men of the county, is honorable and up-
the Christ,iau Chnrch since sixteen years of age, right in all bis dealings, and au a useful, influential
She is an estimable lady, of good bwiness ability citizen, bolds a confpicuons position in the wm-
and management, and in overseeing and wnduct- munity. He selected for his wmpanion in life
ing the farm, display. a wisdom and good judg. Miss Mary 0 . Merrill, now deceased, whom he
ment for which she deserves great credit. married in November, 1877. After remaining a
Capt. S. Geisreiter, planter, Pine Bln5, Ark. widower for eleven years he married Miss Linda i*
*3 There are few men of the present day whom Chinn, duughter of the late Dr. Rolla Chinn, of
? the world acknowledges an successful, more worthy Shawhan, Bourbon County, Ky. Capt. Geisreiter