Page 48 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 48

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41     JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                                                 ----- -  1,1


in nerving through the war, and his deeds on the ty, Tenn., which wan his home for four years, and

field of battle were brave and many. He was a 1 in 1870 located in St. Francis County, Ark. In

son of William Crockett, whose father was t,he 1877 he came to his preseut location, and entered

icelebrated Davy Crockett, of historical fame. The , upon a career as planter, also establishing himself

mother of John D. was a member of the Presby- as general merchant, in both of which he has met

teriau Church, and by her marriage hechee~methe : with deserved success. He is trnly a self.made

'mother of five children, of whom John is the only man, indust.rious and energetic, and now enjoys a

one now living. After his father's death, John D. bnsiness of $15,000 per year. He is also post.

went to reside with an nncle, with whom he re. master at English, the office being located in his

mained fortwo years, but at tbeend of that time he / store. Mr. Crutchfield served three years in the

started out iu the world for himself, and has acted ' Confederate army during the war, during which

1as salesman in the towns of Swan Lake, Dar- time he was taken prisoner at Decatur, Ala., being
IdaneHe, Pendleton. Sarassa nnd his present loca- paroled after three months at Nashville. Upon
Ition. He entered the employ of Col. John M. the close of the war he returned home and at-

Graeie in 1882 us salesman and book-keeper, j tended school in Fayette County. Mr. Crukh-

/and so well has he repaid the confidence and trnst field's wife was formerly a Miss Dora Bagley, of

reposed in him, that now he has chnrge not only i Tennessee, who is still living. They have no chil-

/of the Colonel's mercantile affairs, but also of his dren of their own, hut are bringing up two nieces

plantation, which consists of 2,400 acres under (children of Mrs. Crutchfield's sister). Neda and

/cultivation. He is an expert book-keeper, a ' Maggie Greer, the mother having died when they

shrewd business man and a competent manager, were eight days, and fourteen months old, respect-

and bids fair to become oneof the most prominent ! ively. Their father is living, but is an invalid

men in Central Arkansas in the near future. On : from paralysis. Mr. Cmtehfield is a Democrat in

February 27. 1883, he was married to Miss Mary I his political preferences and a representative citi-

D. Field, a daughter of Silas Field, of Little zen of the community.

Rock, hy whom he has had one child, James D. ' Mrs. Mary E. Curlin, widow of James V. Cur-

Mrs. Crookrtt is a member of the Episcopal ! lin, who was an old resident of Arkansas, was

Church. Mr. Crockett is one of the two C'rocketts born in Jackson County, Ala., October 6, 1845,

who went to the 103d anniversary of the birth of ' and is a daughter of C. A. and Elizabeth (She19

Davy Crockett, at Limestone. East Tenn., on Au- i Chndick, of Tennessee and Alabama, respective-

gust 17, 1889. The other Crockett was Robert j ly. Charlee A. Chadiek was a noted Methodist

H.,a prominent attorney of Stuttgart, Ark., and i minister, and was born May 13, 1820. I n 1841
a grandson of Davy Crockett. The latter gentle. i he was mamed to Mips Elizabeth Shell, a daugh-

man was a colonel in the Confederate army during ; tar of Adam Shell, of Alabama, and in 1845 re-
the Civil War, and won an illustrious name for I moved with his wife to Arkansas. He was li-

Icourage and daring.                                 censed to preach in that State in 1848,and loonted

George E. Crutchfield, who as a planter and in Jefferwu County, where he labored in the re-
/merchant at English postoffice, is well and favor- ligious field nntil August 14, 1888. As a preacher

Iably known, was horn in North Carolina in 1846, 1 of the gospel he was far above the average, being

being the son of James and Sarah (Moon) Crutah- : able to propound the Bible with a clearneaa and
field, of Orange County, N. C. They first came to earnestness that would convince the most skepti-

Arkansas in 1852, but the following year moved cd. The entire community in which he resided,

to Tenneseae, locating in Fayette County, where  II  as well  as his congregation, loved and honored
George was reared, growing to manhood on his         him as   few men are regarded, and his loss was

.J 1fathor's farm. He remained                       vsi'on.lcceerienlylifme.ourMnerd.   by those who bad heard his
          till 1871, subsequently going                                                 Chadick was a Mason in good
       at the latter place                       1
       to Hardeman Coun-

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