Page 50 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 50
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Currie was married to Miss E!iza Davis, whose of two years), and Joseph A. (our subject). By the
birth m n r r e d in that State in 182.5. She died in second marriage there were six children. all living:
Arlransas in 1861, having borne two children, Anna E.. Mary L., Sarnh J., Medicns U., Slartha
CharlesG. and I d a (now the wife of Henry G. E., and Nancy B. Joseph A,, the yonngzst child
Hanna, of Kentucky). Charles died snddenly in of the first marriage, was reared in Dickson County
1877, at the age of twenty.eigllt years, of heart until fourteen years of age, when he went to Tip-
disease. After his wife's death, Mr. Corrie's ton County and attended school two years: he t h ~ n
house was presided over by an older sister-in.18~ attended Erslrine College, of South Carolina. from
until her death in October, 1880, and since thnt which he graduated in 1864 with the degree of A.
time by one of his own sisters. I n 1860 he was B. Subsequently studying law at the Cumber-
elected common school commissioner for Jefferson land University, Tennessee, he took one course of
County, holding the office eight years. I n 1882 lectures, and afterwardreturned to Tipton County,
1i he was elected wnnty assessor, serving one term, where he married Miss Mary C. McCain. of Ten-
and he has been school director many years. He nessee. Following this lie taught school for two
/ was principal of the High School of Pine Bluff years, after which lie ente~edthe Theological De-
/ for two years, closing his connection with that in- partment of Erskine College, and in the spring of
/ stitution in June. 1877, which terminated his 1857 was licensed to preach in the Associate Re-
career as a professional teacher. He is a member formed Presbyterian Church. He spent three
of the Presbyterian Church a t Pine Blnff. Perhaps years in Central Mississippi, and was then called
no citizen of Jefferson County o m p i e s a warmer to Monticello, Ark., where he took charge of the
place in the affections of the people as an advocate chnrch the same day that Lincoln was elected
and promoter of educational advancement than president. After having served this church dur-
Mr. Currie. His interests in this direction are by ing the war, he remained until 1871, when he was
no means personal, and his influence in this as in called to Millersburg, Ky. I n the fall of 1808,
other respects has been of decided benefit. he chaoged his relationship from the As~oci-
Rev. Joseph A. Dickson, D. D., pastor of the ate Reformed Presbyterian Church to the First
Presbyterian Church at Pine Bluff, is one of the Presbyterian Church. September 1, 1881, Dr.
popular and highly respected ministers of this Dickson located in Pine Blnff, assuming charge of
county. He was born in Dickson County, Tenn., the Firat Presbyterian Ohnrch. where he has since
September 9, 1835, his father, Joseph A. Dick- continued, obtaining a firm hold in the hearts of
sou, being a son of Moulton Dickson, of North his parishioners as well as those of wider acqunin-
Alabama, who first saw the light in 1807. The tance. At the time of his coming t,he membership
Dicksons originally came from Scotland in an early was seventy, which has increased to about 400 at
day, and settled in the Carolinas; some of the the pmsent date. During 1888-39 100 members
ancestors served as soldiers under Cromwell. were added. To Dr. Dickson and wife have been
Joseph A., the father, was a practicing physician of horn four children: Emmett M. (a suffiertsful
prominence in Dickson County, Tenn., which was lawyer at Paris. Ky.. who graduated from Sid-
named for some member of the family. He died ney College, in Virginia), Charles B. (a student
when his son was but an infant. His wife, Nancy at the Central University, of Kentucky), and Mary
Belle, of the same county as himsolf, was born in Will (at home). Olaude Ro?s died in 1807 at the
1814. After the death of her husband she re- age of six years. Mrs. Dickson is an ardent
mained a widow for five years, and then married worker in the church, and one of the best of
Rev. W.A. Williams, of the Cumberlaod Presby- women. Dr. Dickson is a member of the American
terian Church, who still lives in Texas, she having Legion of Honor. I n 1885 the Central University
died in 1848. By her first marriage there were of Kentncky conferred upon him the title of D. D.
-J. B. Dodds, one of the leading planters of
two children: Georgia Anna (who died at the age I