Page 59 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 59
to t l ~ seecession convention, and was made chairman Bluff. Under the firm name of Greenfield & Kay
of the committee on ordinances. He was a very he and his partner conducted the largest meroan-
1prominent man and used his entire influence for tile house in that seotion. Both parents were
his own party. I n 1861 he was appointed as com. members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. I n
rnissary of the military staff of Arkansas, and was ' politics the father was a Whig, and was also a
at the battle of Oak Hill. after which failing health Royal Arch Mason in high standing. His father
compelled him to retire from army duties. He was Thomas G. Greenfield, an old Virginian, and
then went to Philadelphia and was n n t h a physi- one of the bcmes who fought in 1812. Thomas
cian's care for seven months. Upon returning to Greenfield was one of the earliest settler. of Ken-
Pine Bluff he resumed his practice and this he has tucky, coming there but a short time after Daniel
since continued. I n 1880 he was a candidate for Boooe, and was an intimate associate of that noted
the ofice of Governor, hut was not nominated. As i pioneer. The Hannah's were also a well-known
a lawyer he has few superiors and is a fluent and 1 family of Kentucky and very promineut people in
1eloquent speaker. At one time he owned 15,000 ! Christian County. The Greenfield's w m o f Eng-
acres of land and now has in his possession about lish origin. To the marriage of Walter Green-
I2.000 acres. Mr. Grace was mamed first in May, I field's parents were born five children, of whom he
1953, to Miss Harriet Boyd, who was drowned is the only one now living. He was educated in
near Paducah, Ky., in Deormber, 1863. 311. 1 Pine Bluff. Ark., and later at private schools in
Grace took for his second wife Mrs. Emily B, i Nashville, Tenn. After his school days were over
Hudson, whom he married in April, 1888, and to i he remained with his mother until her death and
Ithem was born one child, now deceased. Mr. then turned his attention to farming. I n 1858 he
Grace is a Royal Amh Mason, and in 1878 he con. was appointed deputy sheriff of his county, and
inected himself with the Temperance Alliance, served creditably in that capacity until the ont-
having been president of the Arkansas Temper- i break of the Rebellion. I n the spring of 1862 he
ance Alliance several terms. He has been an organized a company of cavalry, being chosen third
active worker in this cause and his influence has lieutenant. This was Company G of the Second
been felt among the Anti-Prohibitionists. He is Battalion, which was afterwards reorganized with
known throughout Arkansas as one of the best the First Battalion and made into one, in which
criminal lawyers that the State produces, and his he was proslotad to tirst lieutenaot. In October,
suooess is almost phenomenal in this class. He has 180'3, he was promoted to the captaincy of Corn.
defended and prosecuted over fifty cases of homi- I pang Ci for brilliant action on the field, and this
,1cides, and bnt one man was hung that he ever de- p o s ~ t ~ ohne retained until the close of the war.
fended. C a i ( t m d e l d w u dehiled for muting duty a
Uapt. Walter Greenfield was a brave soldier coasiderable part of the time, and took part in a
and is an honest citizen. What better eulogy ' great many battles, operating in Northern Missis-
could be passed upon a man who has earned those eippi to a great extent. I n April, 1803, he was
titles in military and civil life? He was horn sent out on recruiting duty, hut at that time was
in Todd County, Ky., on July 4, 1833, and is a takeu sick and unable to continue with the work
sou of Thomas G. and Lucy (Hannah) Greenfield, for some time. He also took part in Price's raids
both natives of the same county and State, who through Missouri, and was foremost in every battle
moved to Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1837, which place i during that occasion, and a t Pilot Knob he had
they made their home for the balance of their lives, charge of the skirmishers. Capt. Greenfield was
the father dying in 1820, when thirty-six years old, next at Newtonia, IIae., and from there he went to
and the mother in 1853, at the age of for$-seven Pine Bluff, Ark., where he surrendered on June
years. The elder Greenfield was a merchant and 8, 1863. He has had many thrilling escapes from
one of the first men to start in business at Pine death, and many t,imes narrowly got through the