Page 61 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 61

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   the financial world, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, lowing year was appointed postmaster at Pine
    born in Odoher, 1828. and is a son of Hamilton Bluff and resigned his seat in the Senate to accept

    /and Eunice (Bales) Haycock. The father was of the post-office. He held that paition for five

    Irish origin and the mother of American parent- years, and was also an alderman of Pine Bluff
    Iage, they being married in New York State. From fourteen years ago. He is a member of the board

    there they moved to Cincinuati, Ohio, at an early . of aldermen at the present time, having been

    1day, where the father was engaged in contracti~~gelected by a majority of 582. Col. Haycock is a

    along the hanks of the 3fiama River. I n 1835, stanch supporter of the Republican party, and

    while inspecting some work in the Miama Canal I one of the most brilliant politiciarm in Jefferson

    looks, he was drowned; the mother died some ' County. He is one of the leadera of his party,

    time hefore in Cincinnati. They bad but one sou, and on his election to the State Senate was the

    Ithe principal of this sketch. He was reared in I only Republican at that time in the Senate. He

    that city, and educated in mathematics under Dr. has hundreds of friends on both sides, and is one

    Ray, the compiler of Ray's arithmetio. After of the most popular men in that sectlon. The

    leaving this instructor he attended Woodard Col- Colonel is very original in his ideas, and is always

 Ilege, obtaining his entire schooling from his sense devising samething new, and a t present has placed

, of knowing the necessity and advantage of it, and about twenty acres of landin tobacw as an experi-
    not frum heinr prompted to it, as his parents both ment, his intention being. if ~ u c c e s s f ~t~o la,stab1i.h
    died when he was little more than a ohild. I n / a tobacco manufactory. He was married in 1840

    1852 he went overland to the State of California, to Miss Ann Enowlden, of Cincinnati, hy whom he

    thd trip occupying several weeks, and upon reach. ' ha9 bad five children, Charles being the only one
    1ing there located in Iowa Hill, Placer County, living.
    'where he commenced mining. He also operated a
                                                    J. W. Hellums, a prominent farmer and mer-
    'stage line in connection with the California Stage chant of Jefferson County, well known in the busi-

    C.,mpany, and spent fourteen years of his life in ness circles of Pine Bluff, was born in Fayette

1:  that section. Leland Stanford, now United States , Connty, Ala., in September, 1830, and is a sou of
    Senator and about forty timesamillionaire, was in I William H. and Effie (White) Hellumn, of South
    those days an int,imate friend of Col. Haycock's. 1 Carolina and Georgia, respectively. The parents

    as were also many others of the pionee~rof 148, were married in Alabama, and in 1844 removed to

  I who are now the money kinrs of the Pacilic Coast. Tippah Connty, Mi-., where the father died the
     Col. Haycook was a memher of the convention that I following year. After his death the mother came
     nominated Yr. A. A. Sergeant for Congress, and with her family to Drew County, Ark., and re-
    also a member of the second Republican Convention ; sided there until her death in 1807. Two sons

    that nominatedHon. Leland Stanford for Governor. ; and three daughters were born to the parents, of

  1 He served four years in the army during the Civil whom the two former are the only ones yet living
     War, and was stationed a t Loa Augela and Ban -James W. anc3 Jacob P,the latter residing in
  I Diego. as also a t La Paz, Aria. I n 1865 he . Star City, Ark. James W.Hellums was partly

i returned to Cincinnati and hecame engaged in the reared in Misrissippi, where he also received his

    brokerage business, which he carriedon until 1870, education, and in 1858 moved with hi. mother to

    when be came to Pine Bluff, Ark. The Colonel ; Drew County, Ark. The following year he aame

   resumed hi8 brokerage business here, and also , to Pine Bluff and established him~elfin business,

  became largely interested in planting. Some of , continuing with success until the civil War oom-

II the largest financial projects in the county have i menced. I n 1802 he left the business in charge

' Ibeen engineered by him and brought to a success- of his partner, and enlieted in I). 71.. Carroll's

    ful termination. I n 1874 he was elected to the company--the present chancellor-and served un-

    State Senate, and in 1876 re-elected, but the fol- ti1 the surrender, bolding tbe rank of lieutenant in
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