Page 93 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 93

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                              HISTORY OF ARKANSAS.
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      with her parents, and when grown. to Louisiana, I 1861, when he joined the Confederate army, and

      in 1866 coming t o Arkansas. She was the daugh- i enlisted in G. W. Carroll's company of the Eight-

      'ter of Simeon and Eliza Elliott, of Virginia. The eenth Arkansas Infantry, as a private soldier. He

      Ifather died in Mississippi in 1891, and the motl~er operated generally east of the Mississippi River

      in 1866, at this place. There were five children ! until the snrrender of Port Hudson, and then he                               I

      'in this family, only two of wl~omare now living, was transferred to the western territory. During                               1
      :both of Pine Bluff. Aona, tho wife of Ci. TI'. his service Mr. Phillips took part in a great many                               I
      Prigmore, died in 1878, leaving two children; her battles: The evacuation of Corinth, the second
      hnsband died it! 1887.                                                        , battle at that place, Iuka, Port Hodson, and on
      Henry C. Phillips, not unknown to the many the western side of the river he was assigned to

      citizens oi Jefferson County, was born on Jat~uaryI the quartermaster's department, taking part in a

      30, 1844, in Conway Connty, Ark., and is the ! number of raids and minor engagements. After
      son of Nelson and Minerva (Vnndyke) Phillips, of ! the war he turned his attention to farming, bnt in
      North Ctuolina and Georgia, respectively, the 1 1871 entered into oommercial life near Rob Roy,
      former dying in Jefferson County, Ark., in 1885, ! which he carried on until the year 1882, when his

      'at the age of fifty-five years, and the mother ; farming interests demanded his exclusive attention.

      in 1859, when thirty. seven years of age. The Upon leaving the army he was practically bank-
      !parents were married in Conway County, which ( rupt, and the struggle against adversity up to 1871

      they made their home until the year 1847. when was a bitter one, but since that year the tide of

      Ithey moved to JeffersonCounty, andlocnted on the fortune seems to have turned in his favor, and he

      farm now occupied by Thomas H. Collier. This I is now in a pronperous and independent position.

      /section o i the comtry was then very thinly settled, / He owns abont 655 acres of very fertile land, and

      and what few families did reside here were con. has placed some 230 acres under cnltivation. I n
      stantly terrorized by outlaw^ and desperadoes. I t 1 1866 he was married to Miss Emma A. Pwle, of

      was from an enwnnter with one of these men that I Jefferson Connty, who died two years later, leav-

      the elder Phillips received a wound from which he ing twochildren, both deceased since. I n politics,

      Inever fully recovered, and died nineteen y ~ l a t e r . Mr. Phillips is and always has been a stanch Dem-

      IHe opened up one of the first farms in that sec. ocrat. He was elected justice of the peace, and

      tion, and also operated a gin. After his death his filled that office for a number of years with great

      Iwidow married a Mr. C. H. Price, and moved to credit, winning the admiration and esteem of every

      !what is now Colton Center, where she resided un- citizen in hin connty.

      1ti1 her death. I n politics, the father was a Whig,                             Albert G. Pierce, one of the most prominent of

      and in secret societies, a Mason of high standing. old settler8 in Jefferson Connty, was horn in Edge-

      He was a saddler and harness-maker by trnde, bnt field District, Sonth Carolina, on May 17, 1824,

      turned his attention more to farming than anything and is a son oi Benjamin and Rachel (Rambo)

      I :else. The Vandyke family were of Dutch origin. Pierce, of Pennsylvania and South Carolina, re-

      Seven children were born to the elder Phillip8 and speot~vely. The father was of English descent and
      his wife. of whom four are yet living: Henry C., apalnter by trade, and followed that calling nntil

      ICharles E. (a banker in Hillsborn. Ter.), Thomas his death in Hamburg, S. C. Sometime after his

      I31. (a farmer in Jefferson County) and Thsddeus deaease his widow was married to Mr. William

      C. (a banker in the State of Texes). Those de- Weir, who died in Jefferson Connty at the age of

      ceased are Mary A., an infant m d Nelson. Henry seventy years. Four children were born to her

      iC. was educated in the schools of JeffersonConnty, first marriage, of whom two are yet living: John                             .e

      and continued his studies until shortly after his (a prosperous farmer in Georgia) and Albert CT.
      mother's death. He then went to work for a 1 (the principal of this sketch). She became the

      neighbor, and remained with him until March, I mother of air children by her second marriage, of

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