Page 98 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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Iu the eldest son, and he looked out for t h d r main- Sarnh 1.. Amanda C., Nancy H.. T h - u Z..
tenance and education in a man~lerthat is deserv- Irvin W.,Elizabeth S. and Lynnia. The others
ing of the greatest credit, He commenced farm- died in infancy. Of the ones above named only
ing in 1874 and now owns 620 acres of land with four are now living: Martha (wife of Jasper
120 acres under cultivation, and has been one of Phillips), Amanda (wife of A. S. Thayer), Nancy
the most mccessfol planters in his county. I n (wife of Samuel Evans), and Thomas Z. J n d p
September, 1882, he was married to Miss Sallie Heed is a snccessbl farmer by occupation, and is
/Wheat, a daughter of A. J. Wheat, of Pine Bluff, ' also engaged in the blacksmith trade. He owns
by whom he had four children, one living and about 1,000 sores of good land, with 120 sores
three dead, the first named Frank and the latter ! under cnltivation, and is also the owner of a saw-
IHorace M., John P. anrl Mary L. I n politics Mr. mlll, a gin and a grist mill on his place. He has
Quattlebauru is a Democrat and stanch supporter' held the office of justice of the peace for about
/of his party in that section. I n 1879he waselected thirty years, and for two years has served in the
constable and filled the oeice for almost two capacity of county and probate judge. Both he
years. He was next elected j~lsticeof the peace , and wife have held a membership in the Baptist
!and served nearly six years. Mr. Qnattlebaum is Church for forty years.
one of the foremost citizens of Jefferson County, Dr. J. M. Reynolds, Redfield, Ark. I n select-
and a man much admired for his personal worth. ing a calling in life Dr. Reynolds has happily
He is active in a11 public and private enterprises chosen one for which he is eminently fitted and in
Ifor the good of his county, and is popular through- ! which he standu prominently toward the front rank.
out that entire section. Originally from the Blue Grass State, his birth
Jndge Lewis S. Reed. farmer, Dexter, Ark. occ~uredthere on February 6, 1847, and he is
This prominent and much esteemed citizen was born the son of M. B. Reynolds, who was born in the
in NorthCarolina. July 11, 1818, and is the son of I same State in 1816. I n 1843 the father married
IRolly Reed, who is also a native of North Care- 1 Miss Lnrilda Thompson, and they becallle thepar-
lina, born in December, 1799. The father grew ents of twdvechildren, ninesonsandthree daugh-
1t o manhood in his native State and was there mar- ters, of whom but seven are now living, all reaid-
ried to Miss Charity Phillips in 1817, which union ing in Arkansas. The father was a boot and shoe-
resulted in the birth of thirteen children, seven I maker by trade, and he is still living and makes
sons and six daughters. Eight of these children his home with the Doctor. His wife died in Janu-
are now living, seven residing in Arkansas and ary, 1875. He is active in political affaim. and is
one a t Springfield, Mo. The father followed , a strong Democrat. He is a member of theChris-
agricultural pursuits as a livelihood, and was the tian Church as was also his wife. J. M. Reynolds
owner of 160 acres of good land at the time of his senured a good prwtical education in the schools
death which occurred in 1868. His wife followed : of Harrodsbnrg, Ky., and subsequently attended
him to the grave about two years later. Both I medical lectures a t Louisville. Ky., where hegrad-
were members of the Baptist Oharch. Judge L. uated in the class of 1882. He moved to Illinois
S. Reed was educated near Lexington, Tenn., and 1 in 1869, and there married Miss Caroline Dickey
passed his boyhood days in assisting his father on ' March 17, 1872. She was the daughter of Rev.
the farm. After reaching manhood he selected David and Nancy Dickey, who were natives of
Miss Lydia Teague as his companion in life, and i Georgia. To the Doctor and wife were born seven
was married to her September '24, 1840. She was children, three sons and four daughters, six of
originally from North Carolina, and the daughter i whomare still living: Monroe B.. Mattie S., Eva
of Isaac and Mary Tesgne. Judge Reed's union A,, Sarah J., Joseph M. and Virginia C. The
1-was blessed by the birth of eleven children, two Doctor has practiced his profession for eighteen
sons and nine daughters: Mary L., Martha C., , years and ha8 met with the success due his efforts.