Page 102 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 102
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married Miss Sarah M. Johnson in October, 3875. j in her sixty-fifth year. They were the parents of
She is the daughter of Judge Willis and Elizabeth I tan children: James (deceased), Ben M. (deceased),
Johnson. To Mr. and Mrs. Sallee have been born 1 William (deceased), Eliza, (deceased), Louisiana,
foilr ohildren, three sons and a daughter, but one 1 P. (widow), Mary H. (deoeaued), Joseph B. (de-
.is now doaeased. They were named as follows: ceased), Anna M. (widow), Hewes B. (deceased,)
/Willis T., Litt~letonE., Ben L. and Icy L. Mr. and Henly W. (the principal of this sketch).
'Sallee is engaged succesafnlly in mercantile pur. Henry W. Scull was reared on his father's farm,
snits a t this time, the firm title being SaUee & Co. and received a liberal education in the common
Their capital is about S8,000. He has been a ' schools of his native county, atterwardgraduating
Imember of the Masonic order for twenty-four yeare at Centre College, Danville, Ky. When twenty
and has held the ofices of junior and s e ~ ~ iwoarrden. ! years of age he entered a business honae a t Pine
He bas been school director for six years. He is a , Bluff, where he occupied a position of trust for
member of the Christian and his wife of the Pres. I several years. He afterward formed a part,nership
byterian Church. under the firm name of Scull, Doualdson & Oo.,
H. W. Scull, a prominent citizen of Jefferson dealers in general merchandise, but the Civil War
County, now practically retired from active busi. ) commencing forced them to dissolvethefirm. Mr.
iness life, was born in that county on March 12, Scull then enlisted in the Jefferson Guards, oom-
1834, and is a son of James and Mannette (Van- manded by Capt. Charles Carleton, and served
gine) Scull, the former a native of England and four years through the war, taking part in a num-
the latter from Louisiana. The fsther came to / ber of important battles and skirmishes, but for
America with three other brothers at an early the greater part of the time wasconnected with the
period and first settled in Philadelphia. They re- pay department. After the war he came to Pine
mained in that city a short time and then sepa- ( Blnff stripped of everything, and was compelled
rated, each one going in a different direction. As i to accept a subordinate position in a mercantile
early as 1808 a record of the elder Scull is found I establishment a t that city, where he gradually rose
/in Arkansns County. where he kept a trading post : and remained for a number of y e w . For the
for the Indians. He was oue of the first shippers past five or six years he has turned his attantion
from that section, and found a market for his goods / elltirely to red estate, in which he has been very
at New Orleans. His son, H. W., has in his pos. anccessfnl and now owns considerable property in
session his father's old account bookwhich hekept ! Pine Bluff and vicinity. OnMay 18,1866. be was
during the year 1809-10, and in which only one / married to Miss Laura J. King, of Helena, Ark.,
entry for medicine is found: that being for a I by whom he has two children: Millie M. (wife of
bottle of paregoric. Coffee, sugar and other lux. William I. Haizlip) and Julia. Mrs. Scull died
/nries were sold at fabulous prices in that region, in 1873, after proving herself a devoted wife and
and these articles the elder Scull shipped in large mother. Mr. Scull is a member of the Masonic
quantities to the Osage and other tribes. After i fraternity, Knights of Honor, Knighta of Pythias
leaving Arkansns County he moved to Jefferson and Royal Arcanum. He has done much to ad-
County, where he was also one of its earliest set- I vance and develop the interests of his county, and
!tlers, the country then being a vast wilderness and is one of the most popular citizens in that section.
/inhabited almost entirely by savages and wild . W. J. Shelby. another progressive farmer and
beasts. While at Arkansas Post he was an exten- stock raiser of Jefferson County, Ark., is a native
sive shipper of furs, hutupon coming to Jefferson , of that county, born on September 14, 1851,
County turned his attention to fanning. and fol- I and is one of seven children, five sons and two
ilowed that calling with great success. His death , daughters, born to the onion of A. Gi. and Eliza
occurred on July 3, 1848, when sixty-four years of (Henry) Shelby. A. G. Shelby was born in Tip-
:age, while the mother died on February 8, 1859, pah Connty, Miss., in the year 1823, receiving his