Page 101 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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.inently identified with its agricultural interests than owns. The life of the subject of tliis sketch has
Mr. Roberts. His birth occurred in Alabama, on been spent in this township, with the exception of
June 14, 1842, and he received a good practical two years in Jefferson County, and the time he
education in that State. His marriage to Miss i served in the war. He was a brave soldier in the
Lelia B. Clement, a native of Alabama, took place Confederate service for four years, participating
October 6, 1871, and to this onion have been born in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Atlanta,
seven children, three sons and four daughters, sir and numerous minor engagements. At Jonesboro,
of whom are still living: Bettie C., Agnes, Fannie Ga., he was taken prisoner, sent to Nashville,
I . , Mary E., Nathaniel T. (who died in early Tenn.. and exchanged. Although struck three
youth), John C., and Charley W. Early in life times he was not seriously wounded. After the
Mr. Roberts was initiated into the mysteries of war ended he came home and resnmed his farm
farm life. and this pursuit he has since followed. work, and in 1880 married Mrs. Margaret 8. Mc.
He is the owner of 989 acres of good land, 500 Kinzie, who was formerly Miss Nicks, born and
acres of which are under cultivation, all in Jeffer- reared in this township. Sho had then five chil-
son County. H e is a member of the Episcopal dren: Henry J . , Bennie and Edna; Alice and
and his wife of the Methodist Church, and both Ruth (deceased). To Mr. and Mrs. Rowsey were
are liberal supporters of all worthy enterprises. born two children, an infant,,who died, and Nancy,
The parents of Mr. Roberts, John and Martha now aged five years. Mrs. Rowsey died in 1885,
(Jones) Roberts, were natives of Raleigb, N. C., and our subject sabseqnently married Miss Mittie
and Alabama, respectively, the father born in 1806. H. Diamond, a native of this State. They have
He moved from North Carolina to Alabama in 1824, one child living. John G. For eight years Mr.
and there married Miss Jones, who bore him six Rowsey was postmaster at Swan Lake, and has
children, three sons and three daughters, two of served as constable of his township. Politically
whom survive, and both are residents of this State.
He was a farmer, and was t h e owner of about 300 he is a Democrat, and of decided worth and merit
acrns of good land. His wife died in 1847, and in the prominent interests of this locality.
he in 1877. They were members of the Baptist
Church. William E Sallee, merchant. Redfield, Ark.
Mr. Sallee, one of the substantial business men of
John Rowsey is a native Arkansan, and a man Jefferson County, is a native of Campbell County,
of quite extensive acquaintance hereabouts, having Ky., and was born on August 4, 1844. His par-
been horn near his present residence in 1838. ents were Thomas and Maria A. (Lacy) Sallee.
Anthony Rowsey, his father, of Alabama nativity, The father was born in Bracken County, Ky.,
came to this State in 1835, locating in Old River in 1800, and was there married to Miss Lacy, the
Township, where he married Salina Hassington, of daughter of William and Maria A. Lacy, in 1838.
The fruits of this union were eight children, three
Arkansas, and where he lived the life of a farmer sons and five dauahters, five of whom are still liv-
till his death in 1886, at the age of seventy years. ing, two sons and three daughters. Mr. Sallee
He was a very quiet man, but energetic and in- , followed the occupation of a farmer, and owned a
dufitrious, and devoted to his farm work, in which good farm of about 800 acres with 250 acres under
he took especial delight. The mother died in 1853 1 cultivation He was a member of the Masonic
or 1864. There were nine children born to this fraternity, in which he held a membership for I
union, three of whom grew to maturity, and of forty-six years, filling every official position. H e
these our subject is the only survivor. By the 1 died on March 19, 1876, aud his wife Novem-
father's second marriage there was one child, Mary 1 ber 16, 188G. Both were members of the Christ-
R., now Mrs. J. V. Sink, of Illinois. His third ian Church. William E . Sallee was educat,ed '
marriage was to Miss Angeline A. Butler, who is ' in Kentucky, near California, but in 1868 left
1still living in this township, on a farm which she his native State and moved to Arkansas, where he
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