Page 100 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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                  JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                           209



oner, but fortonately fell into good hands where ' oaeurred at the age of seventy-four. N. T. Rob-

he was kindly treated. He was finally paroled, erts was reared on the farm. and educated in a

after having been in four hard fought battles. privata school at Buchanan, Va. I n 1880 he came

After his exchange, he returned home and re- to Pulaski County, Ark., and engaged in farm-

sumed his practice. He then removedto Camden, ing nntil the war broke out, when, in 1861, he

    Ark., and in 1866 was elected district attorney, ' enlisted in Company C f . , of Pulaski cavalry. At

  1which office he held until after the reconstruction the organization of the First Arkansas Mounted
1 of the diatrict Capt. Ritchie remained there until Rifles he waa chosen sergeant-major, and was ap-

    1874, when he went to Hot Springs, where he kept pointed.first lieutenant and also assigned as adju-

' Ihotel for five years. I n 1858 he came to Pine tant of the same. He held this appointment nntil
   Blue, and agnin ongaged in the hotel businass, in j May, 1802, when he was appointed captain in the

I which occupation he continued until 1894. since Provisional army. and was assigned to the con-
i which time he has been interested in the real estate ! mand of his regiment and company, a position

[ :i~usiness. He owns 1,000 acres of land. with over which he filled until January. 1863, when he w u
 '200 acres under cnltivntion. Capt. Ritchie has a ordered to report t o Gen. Smith, in the Trans-

very extensive real estate business, and has made Mississippi department, remaining there until the

   a host of friends, being always courteous, kind c l w of the war, in the meantime having been

/ nnd genial to all, and never forgets a kind I ordered to raise n company of scouts inside the
  act. He was married, in 1864, t o &ria E. Pow- ; Federal lines and there to operate until further
ell: a nat,ive of Alabama, and by whom he has , orders. Prior to Price's Missouri raid, being M.

three children: TYattie, Edgar and Sallie. Mr. i r e c M to report to Gen. James F. Fagm, com-

'Ritchie and his wife are members of the Methodist manding thn Arkmsaa cavalry, he was pnt in

Episcopal Church. He is also a member of the I command of f011r companies, forming his advance

   Masonic lodge, and belongs to several insuranoe , guard, and was on this dut*yuntil the surrender.

                                                               j At the battle of Oak Hills, Capt. Roberts was

1I /OrdG:T. Roberts, the present nliicient county clerk ' wounded (Angust 10, 1861) by a gnnshot through
   r f Jeffrrmn County. Ark., was bnrn in Greeue bnth shoulders. and w u 08duty six months. He
. County, Ala., in June, 1835, being the son of John was in a number of import.ant battles and several

   1111d Martha (Jones) Roberts, of North Carolina and  skirmishes. From 1865 to 1884 he engaged in
                                                        farming. He cnme to Jefferson Connty in 1868,
  IAlabama, respectively. John Roberts, a native of     and has since been a resident hare. I n 1884 he
                                                        was elected to his present office, and has been twice
 1Edenton, N. C., was married about I829 in Ala

I bama, where he lived nntil 1852, when he came to

   JeBtrrson County. Ark., witti a brother-in-law, John elected successively since, filling the offloe with

I 1DI. Joues. and pnrchaxed a tract of land where Wnb- honor and credit. He was first married, in 1867,

/I bnseka now stands, on the Texas & St. Louis Rail. to Miss Lucy Jones, who died in 1868. I n 1880

 /road. I t is at t,histime in possession of Capt,. Rob. he took for his second wife Miss Florence White,

  a.erts and his bmther. John The tract, which con- : of Pine Blnff, by whom he has one son, King Tal-

sists of 684 acres, was tben very wild land, with but mage. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are members of the

seventeen acres cleared. 810): house being the only Methodist Episcopal Church, Sontb. He is also n

1improvement. There are now 800 acres under member of the Masonic order, and has taken de-

cultivation. The land w u first located in 1844, p e e s in the Mystic Shrine. He is popular and
by Jordan Embree, doring the great overflow of I highly esteemed. and an important factor in the

that year. The parents of our subjeot had six development of this commnnity.

children, only two of whom nre living. N. T. and        J. 0. Roherts, farmer, W a b h k a , Ark.

1John C . John Itobeds. Sr., was a planter. nnd ! Among tho many influential and substantial citi-

followed t6nt occopntion anti1 his death, which zens of Jefferson County none are more prom-

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