Page 103 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 103

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        212 HISTORY O F ARKANSAS.                                                                                  ![
                                                                 -. -                                              I
        ieducation in the same State. He moved to Ar- ! near Lebanon, in the same State), E. (a black-             ,
        kansas in 1845, and was there married to Miss ' smith near the same town), Dr. Albert R., bfsrtha
  4-    Henry in 1850. Of their family of children only Cemons(of Obion, Tenn.), and Dr Hugh (at Union
        four are now living (all in this State).whose names I City, West Tenn.). Albert R. received his ednca-

        are as follows: George A,, Charley B., Mana M. . tion at the Cnmberland University of Lebanon,

        and W. J. The father was an agriculturist by Tenn., and graduating from that college, he com-

        occupation, owning about 160 acres of good land, menced the study of medicine under his elder

        and this was left in the hands of his wife a t the brotl~er,J. F . I n 1854-55 he attended lectures at

        'tune of his death, which occurred on Decembnr Nashville, Tenn., and in the latter year came to

        20, 1875. Mrs. Shelby is still living and resides Arkansas and locat.edin Pulaski County, where he
        with her son, W. J. Bhelby. A. G , Shelby snrved remained for two years. He nextmoved to Jeffer-

        in the late war, entering the ranks in 1862 under son County, where be has resided evnr since, and

        Gerr. Hindman, and was captured at Pine Bluff in built n p a practice, which has been gratifying to

        18M. He was paroled, returned home, and the ' his skill. The Doctor is well known for his benev-

        same )-ear removed to Illinois, where he remained olence and his ready answer to the call for help,,

        until 1866, and then returned to his former place and h~undredsof the poorer class in Jefferson

        of residence where his death occurred. His wife County have cause to be thankful for his charity.

        is a member of the Yethodist Chilrch, South. Dr. Sherrill met with some reverses dnring the

        W. J. Shelby received his education in Jefferson Civil War, but with wonderful pluck and energy

        County. Ark., and since bis youthful days has fol. he gathered up the remnants of his shattered for-

        lowed the occopation of farmer, being now the tune after that event and again 8k&d to build up

        owner of 2 0 acres of land, 120 acres of which are his losses. He now owns about 500 acre^ of vdn-

        cultivated. He, like his father, held a member. able laud in Jefferson County, and something like

        ship in the Gmnge, and is a liheral cont.ributor to 840 acres in Lincoln County. During the Re-

        all charitable and laudable enterprises.  bellion he entered the Confederate army, and

        Albert R. Sherrill, 36. D., is a physician of servedin the capacity of surgeon a great ded. and

        Jefferson Connty whose eminence has attained when not in the ranks he devoted his time to out-

        that degree in which he is almost satisfied to rest side practice. His record in t,he army is one that

        on his laurels, but still keeps steadily on in his will always reflect upon him with honor, for his

        noble profession, owing to the urgent calls made bravery in more ways than one, and his skillful

        upon him. He was born in Wilson County, Tenn.. service in behalf of some poor wounded comrade,

        on the 20th of February, 1826, and is a son of whose shattered limbs were bandaged by his kind-

        Archibald and Agnes (Moss) Sherrill, natives of ly hands, will never be forgotten. I n 1857he was

        the same connty and State. Both parents were married to Mrs. Bsrrett, acharming widow lady,

        members of the Cnmberland Presbyterian Church. . who died some years afterwards. I n 1881 Misa

        The father was a suooessful fanner, and a very . Elizabeth Griffin became his second wife, but the

        prominent citizen of Wilson County during his life, following year she too died. I n politics the Doc-

        and conducted some of the most important enter- tor is a Democrat, and a stanch supporter of that

        prises that promoted the future development of part.y. I n religion he was formerly a member of

        that plnoe. I n politics he was a Whig. The the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but at the

        father's death occurred in 1832, after a life of use- present time does not favor any particular persun-

        fnlness to his fellow men and honor to himself, . sion. During the years 1872-73hewas in thedrug

        his wife following him in 1860. Twelve children . business nt Pine Bluff, but his growing practice

        were born to their marriage. of whom six are yet forced him to give it. up. He is one of the most

        living: J. F. (a well-known physician in Middle pop~llarmen in liin county with every class of so-

        Tennessee), Newton A. (one of the largest farmers , ciety, and also one of itsmost enterprising citizens.

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