Page 104 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 104

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                           JEFFERSON COUNTY.

   Prank Silverman, sheriff and colleotor, Pine 1 Little Rock & Texas Road, held this position a

   Bluff, Ark. The public services of Mr. Silverman I short time and next became depnty sheriff, dis-

   since his election to his present position have been . charging the duties of this place until elacted to

   characterized by n notable devotion to the welfereof : his present oEce, in 1886,being re-eleoted in 1888.

   this county, and his ability and fidelity in this He has conduoted the official affairs to the entire

   position of public truet, have made a lasting im- satisfaction of all, and during this time has been

   preasion upon the sphere of public duty. He was twice receiver of the Pine Bluff & Swan Lake Rail-

   born in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, Janunry 0, rond. He was married first, in 1808,to Miss Lizzie

   1843, and is the son of Lyon and Mary (Trout,man) ' Swords, by whom he had three children: Maude,

   Silverman, the father FI native of Germany and i Randall and Blanche. Mr. Silverman was mar-

   the mother of Berks County, Penn. The rnater. , ried the second time, in 1873, to Miss Urace Haw-

   :nal great~grandfatherJ, amb Troutman, was a Rev- ley, by whom he has one child, Edith. He is past

   olut,ionary patriot, and could not speak a word of eminent commander of the Knights Templar, and

   ,English. Lyon Silverman came to America when ! is the grand representative of the State of New

   thirteen years of age and stopped at Philadel- . Hampshire in Arkamas. He is a member of the

   phin, where he became apprenticed to the mercan- Nobles of the Mystio Shrine, Knights of Honor,
   tile business. He subsequently went to Mansfield, i Royal Arcanurnand American Legion of Honor.

   Ohio, where he engaged very extensively in mer- ; Hon. Theodorio F. Sormlla was born in Beach

   chandising, and later moved to Wooster, where he , Grove, Bedford Connty, Tenn., August 18, 18'21,

   was married and remained for several years. He / being a son of Walter B. Sorrells, of North Caro-
   is now a resident of Rockaway, N. Y., being / lina The father was a planter, and also well

   !retired in his seventy-seeond year. The mother known in politics in Tennessee and Misrriseippi.

   died at Little Rock, Ark., in 1885. They were He moved from his native State when very young,

   1the parents of eight children, seven now living: ! and settled in Bedford County, Tenn., where

   Frank Caroline (who resides in New York City), he was educated, married, and resided for thirty

   iEmma (resides in Little Rock), Samrrel (resides in 1 years. He then moved to Fayette County, in the

   St. Louis), Ida (resides in Portland, Ore.), Belle same State, but shortly afterward went to Mar-

   (resides at the same place), and Georgia (also i shall County, Miss., where he remained for twenty

   there). Fraok Silverman was reared and edu- j gears. In 1858 he came to Arkansas County,
   cated in Wisconsin, having graduated at Raoine ; Ark., and made that his home until hie death, in

   (Wieconsin) College. I n 1858 he started out to 1 1864, at the age of seventy years. For twenty

   Itravel, visiting the principal cities of Europe, and yeare he held the office of surveyor of Marshall

   was abroad about one year. In 1861 he enlisted 1 County, Miss., an office that his intelligence and

   in the three months' service, and at the expiration I ability made it almost impossible to fill with a

   Iof that time joined the regular service, but being ' successor his equal. He was a man of moral char-

   nuder age his father got him out much to the dis- acter and integrity, and was never known to touch

   1gust of the young hero. I n 1871 he went to St. intoxicating drinks, this p e r h a p amounting for

   Lonis for a short time, and subsquently to Pine his great su-ss iu life. Judge Sorrells' grand-
   Blu& Ark., where he became editor of the Jeffer- father, David Sorrells, was also a native of North

   son Repnblican, the outfit and running Carolina, and was married in that State, but after-

   )the paper for two years. He next engaged in the ward moved to Bedford County. Tenn., where he

   memantilo business, but was quite unfortunate in resided for thirty-five years. He then looeted in

   Ithis venture and became entirely b a n h q t . In Henderson Connt~:of the same State, where his

   /1876 he was elected on the Republican ticket as .death occurred in 18b1, at the age of eighty years.

   Icounty and probate judge, holding the position two He took no part in the earlierwars of this wuntry,

   years. He then became land commissioner of the but his father was a soldier in the Hevolution and

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