Page 109 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
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brilliant oratory, dealing in matters of fact, rather which he resided in Cleveland (then Dorsey)
than in flowing diction and flights of fanoy. Judge County, where he served one term as wnuty and
Sorrells has probably not spent more than six days probate judge. He had stndied law, and been ad-
out of thirty in the pnrsnit of pleaawe, other than I mitted to the bar in 1868 at Pine Bluff, practicing
tbat to be found in the society of his family and , his profession while living in Cleveland County.
intimate friends. He takes an active interest in ' I n 1885 he came back to Pine Bluff, where he has
all public enterprises, and is a leading spirit in since been actively engaged in his profession. He
anything that tends toward the development of his has been for several years attorney under the ap-
,community. One point that should he brought 8 pointment of the attorney-general of the State,
forward is, that, while never the choice of the bar, for the collection of the school fnnds of Jefferson
h e is uniformly the choice of the people, who like , County. His official record is everywhere clear
him for his nerve and discretion of purpose. I t is and faultlesfi. He is a brilliant attorney and an
/such men as this who lay the foundation of great unnsually good business man. At present his office
S t a h , and w h m names and deeds form material i is over the Merchants' and Planters' Bank, Pine
for history. ' Bluff. His practice is principally in the judicial
W. P. Stephens, attorney, Pine Bluff, Ark. j circuits prefiided over by Hon. J. M. Elliott and
Amongst the well.known and notable represent- , Hon. C. D. Wood (Tenth and Eleventh circuits).
ativea of the learned profession of the law is W. / Hie briefs in the supreme court of t,be State, and
P. Stephens who waa born in Livingston, Somter I his varied experience in the circuit practice. are
Connty, Ala., on May 9, 1841, being one of four ! gnarantees of his ability; and, considering his age
children, three now liviug, h r n to the union of J. . and the extent of his present practice, his future is
J. and Priscilla C. (Whitfield) Stephens, natives of ' bright, and a rich harvest in the field of his chose11
Mississippi and North Carolina, respectively. The I profession is sure to he his. He has made real
parents were married in Alabama and emigrated to , property law his chief study, and is working agreat
Arkansas in about 1845, locating in Drew County, part of his time on complicated titles involving city
where they remained uutil 1849, subsequently : and country property; and with the increase of
moving to Jefferson County, Ark. The father fol- . population and enhanced values in his part of
lowed the trade of a contractor and builder, and Arkansas his services will be continually needed.
erected a great many of the old landmarks now Leroy Taylor, one of the pioneer settler8 of
standing in Pine Bluff. He was mayor of the city , Jeffemn Connty. and a native of Arkansas County,
for some years, and at the time of his death, which was born April 5, 1824, and is a sou of Arehibald
Ioeaurred in 1800, he was connty and probate judge. ' and Mary (Harringlon) Taylor, of Indiana and
The mother now resides at Hot Springs. The three Kentncky, respeckivaly. The father moved to the
children living are named aa follows: William P., latter State when he wm a young man, and there
Ruth (widow of Theodore Shupan) and Mrs. D. B. I married his wife. I n 1822they moved to Arkansas
/Riggin (of Pine Blnff). The subject of this sketch County, Ark., and four ye- later came to Jef-
was reared in Arkansas and edncated in Pine Blnff. ' ferson Connt.y, locating in Old River, near what
1At the commencement of the war he was acting as is now Rob Roy, where the father died in his
assistant county clerk, but resigned his oftioe to thirtieth year. Some time after his decease the
enter the army, and at the expiration of his term mother was married to Mr. O'Neill, a prominent
Iof service returned and took his old position. I n I merchant of the same county, who also left her a
1886 he waa elected county and circnit clerk and widow for the second time a few year8 after their
recorder, discharging these official duties uutil the I marriage. The elder Taylor was a sucoessful
reconstrootion. I n February, 1869, he went to I farmer, and a man who thoronghly understood his
1Camden, Onachita County, Ark., and was for one business. His advice was often asked by men who
year cashier of the bank of C. E. Phillips, after were less posted in the details of farming, and his