Page 112 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 112

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                                      JEFFERSON COUNTY.                                     219


Mrs. Sarah Buck, Mrs. M: D. Lindsay and Charles Alabama where they resided until the father's

H. (the nilbject of this sketch). Mr. Triplett was death in 1856, a t the age of fiftg-six years, and the

reared on his father's farm and received a some- mother in 1865, in her fiftyninth year. The elder

what limited education in his youth, but this, how- Tucker wan a well known farmer and schoolteacher

ever, was overcome in later years by a naturally and in politics a Whig. His family were of Scotoh

nhrewd and intellectual mind. I n 1868 he moved origin. Twelve children were born to their mar-

to Pine Blnff wit.h the intention of commencing in riage, of whom six are still living. John W., the

life on his own account, and was first engaged as next but one to the youngest, was educated in the

clerk in a grocery honse a t that place with a salary schools of Northern Alabama, and had hardly fin-

of $1.50 per month. He remained with this firm ished his studies when the war induced him to

'I for two years, and then entered the employ of Mr. join the ranks of the Confederate army, becoming
   Oabe Meyera in the general merchandise business, a member of Company I, Fifth Alabama Cavalry,

remainiug with him four years. His next venture commanded by Qen. Forrest. He took part in a

was to form a partnership with Mr. John L. Buck number of battles, some of them being a t Polaski,

in the grocery business, but in 1879 the firm met Tenn., Athens Ala., Sulphnr Treasle, Ala., in

with reverses and were forced to suspend. They which engagement he was wounded, as also at

closed out their business in an honorable manner, Selma, Ala. His record through the war is one

and paid all their debts, though it took almost that reflects the greatest oredit on himself, for its

every cent from Mr. Triplett to do so, and he was heroio action in time of danger, and many times

again compelled to start inlife a poor man. He then he has received the cheers of his comrades for per-

turned his attention to farming and speculating, forming some daring piece of work. After the

and by good management and tact has accumulaled war was over he removed to Arkansas and located

oonsiderable wealth once more, owning 4,000 in Jefferson Connty, where he commenced farming

acres of very fertile land, with several h n n d r d on Maj. W. H. Davis' place at Colton Center.

acres under cultivation, and one of the finest resi- Four years later he purchased 200 acres of

den- in Pine Blnff. I n politics he is an ardent land; prosperity's kindly smile beamed down

.Democrat and a leader in his party, and in 1888 on him, and to-day he is the owner of about 920

was elected by them to the ofice of county treas- acres and has placed some 500 acres under culti-

urer. Besides this office h e is commissionerof the vation. For the last six years he has hean actively

   sewer district, and secretary of the Board of engaged in the general merchandise bnsiness, and

1 Health. Mr. Triplett was married in 1880to Miss . since 1888he has had a saw-mill inoperation. He
   EstelleHolland, by whom he has had thrae children : first started his cotton-gin in 1880,and it is one of
Charles H., Jr., Gerald and Esta. His wife is a the best in the county. September 20, 1871, he was

kindly, Chrietian woman, and a member of the married to Miss Sallie Morrow, a daughter of John

Presbyterian Chnrch. I n secret societies Mr. W. Momw, and the following year moved to his

Triplett belongs to the Royal Arcanum, of which          he has built one of the

body he is financial secretary, also holding that

officeiu the Knights of Honor. He is also a mem-

ber and seoretary of the American Legion of Honor

and the Knights and Ladies of Honor.               the mother of seven children, of whom two have

John W. Tucker, oneof Arkansas' enterprising

merchants and planters, was born in Morgan Couu- D Everett, Bessie and Auna W., and the two de-
I w. w.ty, Ala., F e b r u r y 22,1845, and is a son of Charles c-d are John D and Clifton

and Auna 0. (Drake) Tucker, who were married Tucker served for several years aa postmaster, and

against the wishes of Miss Drake's parents. Soon his work in this ofice as well as his character as a         t,

after their union the parents of John W. moved to citizen won him such popularity that Tucker Sta-

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