Page 110 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 110
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Iassistance daring life was the mean. of placing Stella E. Fuller, of Whiteaide County, Ill. They
many men upon a substantial foundation who : have fonr children: Aznba (aged twelve), Lonia
wonld otherwise have sunk in the slough of hank- ' (aged nine), Inez (aged seven), and Carter (aged
rnptay and pauperism. Throe children were born three). Dr. Thompson owns eighty acres of val-
to the parents, one of whom has since died. Joseph 1 uable land in this county, besides property at
and Leroy are yet living. The former went to , White Sulphur Springs, and in addition to these
California in 1850, and afterward changd his / interests he has a stock of drug. and general mer-
location to Washington Territory. His occnpation i chandise. His snccless a s 6 merchant is a jnst re-
at one time was piloting on steamboats, but later / ward of faithful application. He is a Republican
Ihe turned his attention entirely to mining. Leroy in politias, and, besides being an accomplished
was educated in the schools of Jefferson Connty, phys*an and skillful surgeon, is a man of great
Iand remained with his mother nntil twenty-three ' publlc and private enterpriue.
yeara old. He t h e thought it was time to make Rev. D. L. Trimble, w h a name is familiar in
a start in life for himself, and c o m m e n d farming , this and surrounding connties, was born in Cin-
on his own account. When twenty-four years of cinnati, Ohio, in 1850. His father, a man of
age he was married to Miss Elizabeth Flynn, of prominence and decided worth, was Robert Wil-
1Jefferson Connty, who died five years after their son Trimble, a native of Wheeling, W. Va., whose
union, leaving one son, George W., now a farmer , birth oacnrred in 1829. He (Robert W.) received
in Jefferson County. I n 1855 Leroy Taylor was j a good edncation in his native State, and after
married to Miss Louisa Tany, of the same county, ) the age of twenty-one years commenced stndy-
who lived nntil 1867, and died, withont having j ing for the ministry in the Methodist Episcopal
any children. On August 7, 1887, his third ' Church. From Virginia he went to Kentucky,
matrimonial venture proved to be a happy one in locating first at Newport and later at Hopkinsville,
the person of Mrs. R. A. Nellnms, a charming I but subsequently found himself in Louisville.
widow, and a daughter of John Lasley. This lady : After serving a six-months' probation in the Epis-
was born in Manry County, Tenn., on October 14, oopal Church he wan given a license and stationed
! 1827, and her former husband was Mr. William . a t Jeffereonville, Ind., where he had charge of
J. Nelluma. I n politics Mr. Taylor is a stanch / St. John's Church abont two years. I n March,
1 Democrat, and a man w h a e aid is valuable to his 1860, be a m & at Pine Bluff, A&, as a mimion-
I 'party. He has won the respect of the community / ary, sent by Bishop Lay, where he founded the pres-
and now enjoys the fnlleat confidence of his fellow ent Episoopal Church with only three members.
citizens. : Upon the breakingout of the Civil War Mr. Trim-
Dr. Arthur G. Thompson, though perhaps ble enlisted in the First Arkansas Regiment, nnder
classed among the younger members of the medi- I James lagan, participating in several prominent
cal fraternity in this region, has already attained engagements in Virginia, and being transferred to
i a position of honor and influence, and is esteemed the Trans.Mississippi department nnder Johnson.
an able and worthy practitioner. He was born I n September, 1863, jnst beforethe battle of Pine
in Rochester, Racine County, Wis., Oatober 13, : Bluff, his health failed, when he returned home
:1861, his parents, Anthony and Ann (Carter) ' and resixmed charge of his parish. I n Jannaq,
Thompson, being of English nativity. The father 1864, having been banished from the Federal lines,
was born in 1809, and the mother in 1811. They he went down the river, where he lived on a plan-
icame to America in 1844, settling in Wisconsin, tation till the close of hostilities. He was en-
where they both died. Dr. Thompson is a gradu- gaged for some time in the secret service nnder
ate of Keoknk Medioal College. At the age of Ben. MoGruder. I n May, 1866, after having re-
thirteen he commenced bnsinelle for himself, and tnrned to Pine Blnff Mr. Trimble went East and t,
when twenty-six years of age was married to Mias raised money for the bnilding of a church, which i