Page 111 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 111
- .- - ... . - HISTORY O F ARKANSAS. .. -. .- -....
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1: was completed in 1870, the first servicesb ~ i n gheld coming thence to Pine Bluff in July of that year,
;Christmas day. In 1871 he commencedcollecting attracted largely by his extensive landed interests
material for a general descriptive history of the j here. Since that time he has led almost a retired
State by counties, the manuscript of which is now life, though he had charge of a church at Cam-
owned by his son. This has beensubmitted to the den, and now has a small mission at Pendleton,
State Historical Society for correction, and consti- which he serves once a month. October 9, 1879,
/I Mr. Trimble married Maggie E. Dorris, daughter
tutes matter of vital importance. I n 1879 the of one of the leading men of the S0ut.h. She was I
State University of Arkansas conferred upon him
: an honorary degree, which wa- well deserved and ! a most estimable lady, well respected by all who
gracefully b o r t ~ ~H. e was the father of the pnblic 1 knew her. and of rare personal attractions, but
school system of Piue Bluff, and for twelve years death claimed her October 18, 1888. She left two
was a member of the scliool hoard, of which he was children, Robert W. and an infant. Mr. Tri~llble
secretary; educational affairs having for liim im-
portant attractions, and his career in this direction
ha- left a marked influence for good. Mainly to
his efforts are the citizens of this locality indebted C. H. Triplett, county treasurer of Jefferson
for the attractive bnilding of the high school which County, and one of its best known citizens, was
is now so promineut a structure. Mr. Trimble born in that county on the 12th of March, 1860,
was a man of decided literary ability, and able I and is a son of Charles H. and Esthe (Dunlap) Trip-
;contributions from his pen found a ready place in lett, of Fairfax County, Va,and of 8eotch-Irish
leading papers of the day. He was a good man 1 o~jgin. The paternal grandfather, John Triplett,
in all that the term implies, a beloved and talented was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, who
minister and a fluent speaker, and a faot worthy , passed the remainder of his days after that event
'of mention ia that he was the only Episcopal cler- j in Virginia. The old homestead is still in the Trip- ,
gyman who stood at his post during the war. He lett family, and has been for over 125 years, and i
also founded the Episcopal Church at Hot Springs. they also possess a large estate in the neighbor-
!He was horn February 22, 1829, and died April hood of Mo~lutVernon. Charles H.Triplett was
I 18, 1882, after a useful and well spent life His , a oabinet-maker by trade, and an expert in that
Wife was Almira E. Hnkill, originally from Ken- 1 line. f hen only eighteen years of age he was
1 1tncky, born in 1830, and whodied March 28, l 8 8 i foreman over lW men, and. young as he was, main
!I Their two children are both living: Rev. D. L. tained a strict discipline over individuals that were I
/ 1and Mattie J. (the widow of Peter A. Torian), who : double his years. His son, the principal in this
I lives with her brother. .#he has one child living, I sketch, has some furniture in his house at the pres- I
/Allie D. At the age of fourteen years the subject ent time which was made by his father over fifty
of this sketch, who possesses in a high degree the 1 years ago, and while visiting the expositionat New
I'many estimable traits of his esteemed father, was Orleans several years ago, the father was shown
sent to Shelby College, Shelhyvillc, Ky., remain- same furniture that was made by him during the
!mg there for eighteen months, when he attended first years of his artisanship. He was one of the
Tennessee. After leaving he men who helped remove George Washington's re.
was a student at the Military Academy of New 1 mains to their last resting place at Mount Ver.
defective y e t l a v i n g l o non I n ,847 he emigrated to Jeleiton County,
I1 'I
one eye by sulphuric acid) did not remain long, i Ark., where he entered a large tract of land and
subsequently going t o the Theological Seminary, farmed for a great many years, his death occur- I
at Nashotah, Ulis., from which he graduated in ring at the home of his son, in 1887. The mother
I1870 with the degree of B. D. In 1878 he wan died in 1855. They were the parents of twelve
sent to Peru, Ind., where he was rector until 1880, I children, of whom three only are living at present:
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