Page 209 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 209

184 Confederate Women of Arkansas

       In addition to the above, seventy-seven Confederate soldiers
attained the rank of major-general whose names alphabetically
arranged are:

      Henry W. Allen, William W. Allen, Jr., Patton Anderson,
William B. Bate, John S. Bowen, John C. Breckinridge, John C.
Brown, Matthew C. Butler, Benjamin F. Cheatham, Henry D.
Clayton, Thomas J. Churchill, Pat E. Cleburne, George B. Crit-
tenden, Daniel S. Donelson, Arnold Elzey, James F. Fagan,
Charles W. Field, John B. Floyd, John H. Forney, Samuel G.
French, Franklin Gardner, Martin W. Gary, Jeremy F. Gilmer,
M. W. Gray, Bryan Grimes, Harry T. Hays, Henry Heth, Thom-
as C. Hindman, Eobert F. Hoke, Benjamin Huger, William Y.
C. Humes, Bushrod R. Johnson, Edward Johnson, David R.
Jones, Samuel Jones, James L. Kemper, Joseph B. Kershaw,
Evander M. Law, Fitzhugh Lee, George W. C. Lee, William H.
F. Lee, Lunsford L. Lomax, William W. Loring, Mansfield
Lovell, John T. Magruder, William Mahone, John S. Marma-
duke, William T. Martin, Dabney H. Maury, Samuel B. Maxey,
John P. McCown, Lafayette McLaws, Mosby M. Parsons, John
Pegram. William D. Pender, William M. Pendleton, George M.
Pickett, Camille J. Polignac. Thomas L. Rosser, Gustavus W.

Smith, Martin L. Smith, William Smith, Carter L. Stevenson,
J. E. B. Stewart, William B. Taliaferro, Isaac R. Trimble,

David E. Twiggs, Earl Van Dorn, John G. Walker, William T.
Walker, William H. C. Whiting, Cadmus M. Wilcox and Am-

brose R. Wright.

             THE BISHOPS IN THE WAR.

       Well do we remember the departure of Bishop Polk from
Richmond to seek the advice of Bishop Meade, then the senior
of the House of Bishops, at his home in Northern Virginia.

       "And what did he tell you?" we said.

        "I saluted him," said the good bishop, "and said to him:
'Sir, I have been offered a commission in the Confederate army,
and have come to ask your advice/ His reply was:
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