Page 211 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 211
186 Letter From Confederate Women to the Soldiers
The following is an open letter from Confederate women to
the soldiers in the field, published during the war:
—"Soldiers: The president, congress, the public press and
your generals have told you the high esteem of your noble de-
Wevotion in re-enlisting for the war. also, as your mothers,
wives, daughters, sisters and friends, claim the right to thank
you. It is the grandest act of the revolution and secures immor-
tality to all concerned in it. It awakens anew the enthusiasm
with which we began this struggle for liberty, and removes all
doubt of its eventual success. Such men in such a cause can-
not be overcome. In the dreariness of camp life you may have
sometimes imagined yourselves forgotten or little cared for.
Counting up your privations and dangers you may have doubted
their full appreciation, and fancied that those who stay at home
and risk nothing, while you suffer and bleed, are more esteemed
than yourselves.
"We beseech you harbor no such thought. You are con-
stantly present to our minds. The women of the South bestow
all the respect and affection upon the heroes who defend them
against a barbarous and cruel foe. In the resolution to aid you,
they are as firm and determined as you in yours, not to lay down
your arms until independence be won. When that sacred vow
shall have been 'accomplished your reception by us will more
than attest our sincerity. It shall be shown while the contest
goes on, by our efforts to increase your comforts in the field
and to lighten the burdens of the dear ones left at home. For
your stricken country's sake and ours be true to yourselves and
our glorious cause. Never turn your back on the flag, nor de-
sert the ranks of honor or the post of danger. Men guilty of
such infamy sell your blood and our honor, and give up the
Confederacy to its wicked invaders. In after years from genera-
tion to generation the black title of tory and deserter will cling
to them, disgracing their children's children. But no stigma
like this will stain you and yours. Brave, patriotic and self-
sacrificing in time of war, you will be honored in peace as the