Page 123 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 123


HIGKMANS, MRS. WM. LANDING, La.—Red river, not above


—HICKMAN, Ky. Miesissippi river, 1020 milts above New Orleans,

   * above Greenville, not above the mouth of the

                                          Ohio river.

—HICKMAN'S BEND, Arlc. Missitsippi river, above Greenville, not

                                         above Memphis.

HICKORY FLATS, i«.—Atlakapas.
HIDDEN BLUFF, Ark.— Whho river, 185 miles above its mouth,

                                          below the junction of Black river.

HIGGINSPORT, Ohio.—Ohio river, 579 miles from its mouth, above


HIGG'S LANDING, Arlc—ReA river, 152 miles above Shreveport,

                                           above Carolina Bluff, not above Fulton.

HIGGINBOTHAM'S WOODYARD, J.ia.—Alabama river, not

                                          above Selma.

HIGH BLUFF, ffa.—Flint river, not above Newton.

—HIGH TOWER, La. Ouachita river, above Trenton, not above Ala-

                                      bama Landing.

—HIGH'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis, not

                                          above Gainesville.

HILDRETH'S, D. H, LANDING, Ala —Tombigbee river, not above


—HILL'S LANDING, La. Blacii river, La., not above Harrisonburg.
—HILL'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis.
—HILLAMON, lU. Ohio river, 29 miles from its mouth, not above


—HILL'S LANDING, Mo. Missouri river, 301 miles above its mouth,

                                           above Jefferson Oitj, not above Lexington.

—HILL'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, not

                                          above Columbus.

—HILI/S, T. J., LANDING, Ala. Warrior river, not above Tusca-


HILL'S, GEO., LANDING, Ala.—Touih'ighee river, above Gaines-

                                           ville, not above Columbus.

—HINE'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, not

                                           above Columbus.

—HISHERINGK'S LANDING, La. Atchafalaya river, below Simms-

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