Page 127 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 127


HORSE SHOE BEND, Mss.—Mississippi river, above Greenville,

                                        not above Memphis.

—HORSE HEAD, Ark. Arkansas river, above Dardenelle, not above


HORSE PRAIRIE, Texas.—^ed river, 560 miles above Shreveport,

                                   above Mound City.

HORN —LAKE, Miss. Mississippi river, 887 miles above New Orleans,

                                        above Greenville, not above Memphis.

—HOUMAS, La. Mississippi river, 72 miles above New Orleans, not

                                      above Bayou Sara.

HOUMA —PLACE, La. Mississippi river, not above Bayou Sara.

HOUSER'S, L. LANDING, J.Za.—Alabama river, above-Selma, not

                                     above Wetumpka.

HOUSTON'S LANDING, ^Za.—Torabigbee river, above Demopolis,

                                          not above Gainesville.

HOOD'S LANDING.—Little river, not above White Oak Shoals

               —, (Red river).

HOOPER, TOM, La. Black river, not above Harrisonburg.

—HOOKS, WARREN. Red river, above Lauesport, not above Mound


—HOOKS. Red river, above Mound City.

HOOKS, D. S. (MERRIWETHER).—Red river, above Grand Ecore,

                                           not above Shreveport.

—HOOTERS. Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.

HOPAKA, ia.—Tensas river, month of Bayou Macon.
HOPE PLANTATION.— Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not

                                         above Trenton.

—HOPEWELL Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.

HOPE WHETSONE,— Bayou Bartholomew, above Poiut Pleasant,

                                          not above Arkansas line.

HOPE WOODYARD (LEBARGE).—Ouachita rjver, not above Har-


HORSE HEAD.— Ouachita river, above Alabama Landing, not above


—HOUGH, JNO. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above


HOUGH, W. H.— Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above

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