Page 145 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 145

ON KIVERS AND BAYOUS.                                                                    129

—LASALLE, III. Illinois river, 247 miles above its mouth, above

                                     Beardstown, not above the mouth ol Fox


—LAST RETREAT, La. Bayou Maoon, 59 miles from its mouth, not

                                          above Monticello.

LAST ALBAN ANAL (or Wreck of Cuba No. 2.)—Red river, above

                                          foot of Raft, not above Fulton.

LAST LANDING-.—Yazoo river, Ai above Yazoo City.

—LAST RESORT. Tallahatchie river, not above Oassidy Bayou.

LAST CHANCE (J. A. PICKETT).—Red river, above Grand Ecore,

                                           not above Shreveport.

LATENACHE LANDING, ios.— Atohafalaya river, below Simms-


LATTIER, F. (or B. GRAFF).—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not

                                          above Shreveport.

LATTIER, ADOLPH.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


LATTIER'S, M. (MUD HOUSE).—Red river, above Grand Ecore,

                                           not above Shreveport.

LATTIER'S, M. (RUSH ISLAND).— Red river, above Grand Ecore,

                                          not above Shreveport.

—LATOAKA. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport.
—LATROBE LANDING. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above


LAUREL —HILL. Mississippi river, 1115 miles above New Orleans,

above the mouth of the Ohio, not above


—LAUREL HILL, Ln. (Interior.) Shipping point at Bayou Sara.

—LAVONA, Ey. Ohio river, 583 miles above its month, above Cincin-

                                                          nati.  above Greenville, not   above
—LAVONIA, Ark. Mississippi river,                                Mo.—Mississippi river,



                                         Memphis, not above the mouth of the Ohio.

LAWRY'S, WM. LAS^DING, Arh—Little Red river, 38 miles from

             ' its mouth, below the junction of White and

                                           Black rivers.

LAWRENCE VILLE, Arh.—White river, below the junction of Black

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