Page 149 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 149

ON RIVERS AND IJAYOUS.                                      133

—LIMEKICK. Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.    Pleasant,  not

—LINE BAYOU. 260 miles up Sunflower river.
—LIND GROVE. Bayou Bartholomew, above Point

                                          above .\.rkansas line.

L'HOMOND'S LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Trenton, not

                                      above Alabama Landing.

—LIBEETY, III. Mississippi river, 1083 miles above New Orleans,

above the month of the Ohio river, not above


—LIBERTY, Ark. White river, 347 miles from the Mississippi river,

                                          above Batesville,

—LIBERTY, Texas Trinity river, not above.

LIBERTY LANDING, Jlfo.— Missouri river, 388 miles above its

                                          mouth, above Lexington, not above latan.

LICKING RIVER, Ohio.— Ohio river, 542 miles above its mouth,

                                          above Padncah, not above Cincinnati.

LIDDEL'S -LANDING, ia.—Black river. La.

—LILE'S, J!^0., LANDING, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,

                                          not above Treaton,

—LIMA LANDING. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above


LIMAN'S, BEN., LANDING, Jfefiss.— Mississippi river, above Grand

                                          Gulf, not above Greenville.

—LINHOOP. Mississippi river, 1118 miles above New Orleans, above


LINSEY'S, JAS., LANDING, i«.—Atchafalaya river, below Simms-


LINDSAY'S, DR., LANDING, J.?a.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
LINDSAY'S FERRY, Mss.—Tombigbee river, above Gainesville,

                                          not above Columbus.

—LINEPORT, Tenn. Cumberland river, not above Nashville.
—LINWOOD'S LANDING, Ark. Mississippi river, above Greenville,

                                        not above Memphis.

LINWOOD'S, M., LANDING, ia.—Mississippi river, not above

Bayou Sara.

LIPSCOMB'S LANDING, ^rfc.—Arkansas river, 203 miles above

Napoleon, above Pine BluflF, not above Litt3«


—LISBON, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
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