Page 154 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 154
—LOWE'S LANDING-, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis, not
above G-ainesville.
LOW PEACH TREE LANDING, ^Za.—Alabama river, 152 miles
above Mobile, not above Selma.
—LOWELL, Ga. Ohattahoochie river, not above Columbus.
—LOWE'S LANDING Mississippi river, 1045 miles above New Or-
leans, above the mouth of the Ohio river, not
above Alton.
—LOWER SWAN LAKE, Ark. Arkansas river, 118 miles above Na-
poleon, above Arkansas Post, not above Pine
LOWND'S PORT, J.?a.—Alabama river, 329 miles above Mobile
above Selma, not above Wetumpka.
—LOWNDESVILLE, Miss. Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, not
" above Columbus.
—LUCAS' LANDING, Mo. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not
above mouth of Ohio.
LUCKIETT'S LANDING, ia.— Red river, above Alexandria, not
above Cane river.
—LUCY'S LANDING, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not
above Trenton.
LUCKETT'S, DR. (ASHBURN).—Red river, above Alexandria, not
V above Cane river.
—LUM'S LANDING. Mississippi river, above Bayou Sara, not above.
Grand Gulf.
LUM'S LANDING, ia.— Black river, La.
LUNA —LANDING, ArJc. Mississippi river, 637 luiles above New Or-
leans, above Greenville, not above Memphis.
—LUSKS. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
—LYNCH PLACE. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
LYNCHBURG, Tew».— Cumberland river, not above Nashville.
LYNN GROVE LANDING, ia.—Bayou Bartholomew, above Point
Pleasant, not above Arkansas line.
—LYNN GROVE, Ind. Wabash river, not above the Rapids.
—LYON'S, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1561 m'iles above New Orleans,
above the second Rapids, not above Galena.
—LYNXVILLE, III. Mississippi river, 1686 miles above New Orleans,
above Galena.
LYON'S LANDING, ia.—Atchafalaya ri'ver, below Simmsnort.